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LAUC-LA Handbook: Useful Resources

This guide provides information and background documents for LAUC-LA Committees to carry out their charges. For a committee’s charge and roster, click that committee tab and a drop-down menu will lead to the procedures and documents for each committee.

Recent Workshops & Presentations

LAUC/LAUC-LA Grants Awardees

Previous LAUC Grants Recipients (including list of funded projects):

What Projects Have and Have Not Been Funded in the Past | Librarians Association of The University of California

For LAUC-LA mini grants recipients, please see LAUC-LA R&PD Final Reports (listed under Committee Reports) available here: Meeting Minutes and Reports

If you are interested in knowing the kinds of projects that have been funded in the past, please check out the links listed below under "LAUC/LAUC-LA Grants Awardees."

Resources for Conducting Research in Library & Information Science

The resources listed in the "Selected Resources" document above are meant to help librarians with choosing a research topic, deciding on a publication venue, or, in general, providing information on research in the library and information sciences field. They are meant as a starting point, and the list is not exhaustive/comprehensive. Please feel free to suggest (by emailing to the LAUC-LA R&PD chair) any other resource/s you think might be a helpful addition to the list.

The Assessment Guide for the Library contains helpful research guidance and resources.