The first responsibility of the incoming Chair-Elect, immediately after being elected in June) is to convene the Committee to Review the Call. This committee consists of: the incoming LAUC-LA Chair-Elect who shall serve as Chair, the outgoing Chair of CAPA, the incoming Chair of CAPA, the incoming Chair-Elect of CAPA and the Assistant Director, Library Human Resources (ex officio).
The Committee shall review annually issues concerning instructions, guidelines, and summaries of policies and procedures regarding merit increase, promotion, and career status recommendations affecting appointees in the Librarian Series as stated in the CALL. See Bylaws, Article VI, Section 8.
After the Chair issues "special charges" to the committees for the current year (August-November) Update the LAUC-LA Procedures Manual with the special charges for each committee and the members (and Chair) for the current year. This helps the Chair-Elect to become familiar with the purposes and activities of the committees, and with the committee rosters. It also takes a burden from the Secretary.
At the end of June, the Chair-Elect will send out an announcement asking for LAUC-LA members to participate during the up-coming year, the year when the Chair-Elect becomes Chair. LAUC Statewide currently has a subscription to SurveyMonkey, so the solicitation can be done through that tool. The responses should be received at least two weeks before the transition meeting; they will be used to select chairs and committee members.
Article 4. Section 4 (b)
1. Assume the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
2. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
3. Perform such duties as are assigned by the Chair.
4. Serve as a member of the LAUC-LA delegation to meetings of the LAUC Assembly.
5. Serve as Chair of the Committee to Review the Call.
6. Serve as a LAUC-LA representative to administrative informational meetings as required.
7. Serve as an ex-officio member of the Committee on Mentoring.
8. Make a continuing review of job postings for the librarian series at UCLA and bring to the attention of the Executive Board any trends with regard to terms and types of appointments and position descriptions which may warrant Board's consideration.
9. Not more than 30 days prior to a deadline of September 1, designate a chair for each committee named in Article V, Section 2, with the exception of the Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Advancements. Whenever possible, the chair of each Committee should be designated from among those members of that Committee who have served for a period of one year and have one year remaining in their term.
1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
2. Transfer LAUC-LA papers which are more than two years old to the UCLA Library Archives.