This calendar is organized according to the LAUC-LA year, and runs from September 1st through August 31st.
It can be updated by LAUC-LA Officers and Committee Chairs, and should be checked prior to scheduling an event.
Calendars from past years are not archived.
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
November 10
LAUC-LA Fall Membership Meeting
Thursday, December 1
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
December 9
Peer Review Informal Brown Bag Session (not recorded)
Monday, December 12
Peer Review Informal Brown Bag Sessions (not recorded)
Wednesday, January 11
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
January 13
Opus Training Drop-in Session (not recorded)
Wednesday, January 18
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
February 10
Peer Review Ad Hoc Committee Orientation
February 13
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
March 10
LAUC-LA Meet-and-Greet Lunch and Library Tour
March 28
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
April 14
LAUC Statewide Spring Assembly
April 17
UC Santa Cruz
LAUC-LA Spring Membership Meeting
April 25
Spreading Heirloom Knowledge: An Introduction to the Clark Library Seed Sharing Program
April 27
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
May 12
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
June 15
Library Research Forum
June 16
All Library Celebration (includes Retirement Recognition)
June 28
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting
July 14
LAUC-LA Executive Board meeting / Transition meeting
August 18 (rescheduled from August 11)
Via Zoom | Meeting ID: 985 6399 1158 | Passcode: LAUC-LA