All committee members may participate in publicity, editing documentation/ forms, selecting the award recipient, and acquiring the gifts to be presented to the award recipient.
The Chair of the Committee is responsible for making sure the charge is fully realized, inviting the faculty committee member to participate, communicating with the University Librarian and LAUC-LA Executive Board as needed, notifying the award recipient, and publicly presenting the award.
At the LAUC-LA Spring Meeting the Award Recipient is presented with several gifts:
The Committee Chair must consult with the LAUC-LA Executive Board and get approval for purchases prior to ordering the award because of possible budget fluctuations. Committee members make the purchases directly and submit receipts to Alli Imamura at Library Business Services for reimbursement. She needs the name of the award winner, and explanation of their achievements to process the reimbursement (supplying the certificate text is sufficient).
The certificate is printed by the UCLA Library Communications Department (contact Dawn Setzer). In the past we have ordered the commemorative award through
In keeping with UC policy, the total amount of the gifts may not exceed $75 in value (excluding the Professional Development funds).
Contact the Immediate Past Chair of Senate Faculty inviting him/her to join the LOTY Committee ( If Past Chair turns down the invite, contact the University Librarian (UL) and LAUC-LA Board to solicit recommendations for faculty committee member.
First meeting: review past year's Call for Nominations, Nomination Form, and any other documentation used in the past that may need to be updated; discuss publicity strategy; delegate tasks; etc.
Contact the University Librarian for permission to post the Call for Nominations to BruinPost, Library News for Faculty, and other venues. See “Forms and E-mail messages” section for an example of letter to send to the UL. There is a cost involved when posting to BruinPost. See the “LOTYBruinPostInstructions.doc” file in the “Pre-Publicity” box of the "Sample Communications" section for instructions on how to order the message.
Review LAUC-LA web pages and forms for publication. Contact Director of UCLA Library Communications to design/create the Call for Nominations flyers. Contact the LAUC-LA webmaster to create a news item and update pages on the site. After a URL is created for the news item, ask the Director of UCLA Library Communications to create a "Spotlight" on UCLA Library website and post a message on the electronic signage at YRL. Also, submit a request for the Call for Nominations to be published in the winter issue of Library News for Faculty. Try to do this no later than middle of November. The Director needs to first obtain UL’s approval in order to post in the December/winter issue.
Send updated info to LAUC-LA web master, who will link to the Library pages. Print flyers (if needed), and arrange for their distribution.
Verify with LAUC-LA President and Library Business Services that the award of additional professional development funds is still $500.00. Submit budget to LAUC-LA Executive Board (cost of the BruinPost + $75.00 for gift + professional development award).
Send publicity for Call for Nominations to LAUC-Talk, BruinPost, and the Graduate Students listserv. Also ask the committee’s faculty member to send out the Call for Nominations on the Faculty list-serv. Contact branch libraries and residence halls for flyer distribution and postings on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
Continue with publicity - send at least one reminder to LAUC-Talk after the original Call for Nominations.
Chair receives nomination forms and supplemental material; consult with Committee and LAUC-LA Executive Board regarding any questions that might involve policy or by-laws.
Committee meets to discuss the nominations and decide on a recipient.
Find a source and purchase the plaque to be given to the award winner ( has been used for the past several years).
Order certificate to be printed (from the Director of Communication), presentation script written, volunteer photographer, etc.
Notify recipient; get number of guests; make sure that the winner is aware of the confidentiality of the award.
Notify UL and LAUC-LA Chair of awardee.
Verify via LAUC-LA President that UL or LAO rep will attend Assembly to acknowledge recipient.
Award is presented at the LAUC-LA Spring Assembly.
Pictures and citation submitted to LAUC webmaster to create a news story and update LOTY pages in LAUC-LA section.
Send out post-publicity announcements to listservs, associations, and if funds are available, send the announcement to the campus via BruinPost.
Write letters to LOTY nominees that were not selected for the award. See “Draft letter to LOTY nominees” in the “Forms and E-mail messages” section of the "Sample Communications" page of this handbook. It is recommended that a note also be sent to those who nominated librarians, acknowledging their interest in the award and thanking them for their efforts.
Committee debriefs, faculty committee member thanked, etc.
Notify Library Business Services of the amount of professional development funds to be awarded to the recipient.