September 15, 2011 revision
DRAFT: LAUC-LA Handbook Procedures: Instruction Outline--hands on
Pre-requisite: If you have a LibGuides account, let the LAUC-LA Secretary know and you will be given editor rights for this guide. If you do not have a LibGuides account, let the LAUC-LA Secretary know. You will be set up as a Collaborator, which will give you rights to log into and edit this guide. Then log in to LibGuides and click on “please watch this how-to video” under “Create New Guide/Edit Existing Guide” for an introduction to LibGuides. Review LibGuide for your position or committee.
1. Overview of Procedures for LibGuides
· Reminder: The LG supplements, but does not replace, the main LAUC-LA website
· Purpose: To provide a location for documentation of procedures for LAUC-LA committees, task forces and officers
· Definitions (including editing privileges): LibGuide owner, editor, co-editor
· Linked boxes
· Access: Link to LAUC-LA Handbook LibGuide from LAUC-LA website
2. Structure (main guide, individual committee tabs, Officers Plus tab)
3. Standard parts of Individual Committee / Task Force Tabs
· Home (includes Committee roster, charge and timeline, if appropriate)
· Sample Communications
· Procedures
4. Homepage boxes
· Introduction
· What is LAUC-LA?
· LAUCtalk Listserv
· Executive Board Roster
· Committee Reports
· Conducting a Survey?
5. Maintenance update responsibilities -- Who + which parts
· Main guide
· Committee guides
· Officers Plus guide
· Archiving & preservation
6. Ongoing training and questions / troubleshooting
· Orientation / training for new committee chairs and officers
· Orientation / training for new LAUC-LA members
· Who will conduct ongoing training? (LibGuide administrators or other librarians who are familiar with LibGuide software?)
Committee Chairs:
Don't forget to archive your content!
At the end of the year, please evaluate the information on your LAUC-LA Handbook page. Any documentation that is no longer current but considered important to archive can be moved to the Historical Documents tab.