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LAUC-LA Handbook: Grants Guidelines

This guide provides information and background documents for LAUC-LA Committees to carry out their charges. For a committee’s charge and roster, click that committee tab and a drop-down menu will lead to the procedures and documents for each committee.

Grants - Overview

UCLA librarians are eligible to apply for both LAUC-LA (local) grant funding and LAUC (statewide) grant funding. LAUC-LA offers one type of grant, while LAUC offers three types. Typically, applicants may apply for multiple types of grants within the same fiscal year (consult your local chair to confirm eligibility). See below for details.

If you have questions or would like help with your proposal, please contact any member of the LAUC-LA R&PD Committee!

LAUC-LA (Local) Grants



Mini Grants (maximum award: $500) aid librarians in the preparation or completion of full-scale research projects. Mini Grants will be considered for projects related to librarianship and information science, as well as a librarian's area of expertise. They may also be used to supplement statewide research grants. 

Expenses covered include but are not limited to:

  • Research preparation expenses, such as research assistance, consultant services, photocopying, and software licensing or purchases.
  • Project completion expenses, such as data analysis, manuscript preparation, and costs associated with disseminating results via conference presentations and posters.


The Committee will consider proposals throughout the academic year and notify applicants of decisions via email. The final date for submitting proposals is June 2, 2025, although funds may be depleted before that date. Recipients must spend their awards by June 30, 2025.


The applicant should complete a LAUC-LA Mini Grant Application Form and submit it via email to the LAUC-LA R&PD Committee Chair Nina Schneider:


LAUC (Statewide) Grants


LAUC Statewide’s Call for Research Proposals for the 2023/2024 Grant Program: 

Members may apply during two cycles*:

  1. The first call, issued in Fall 2024, allows applications for research, mini, and presentation grants (with funds awarded in January 2025).
  2. The second call, issued in Spring 2025, allows applications for mini and presentation grants (with funds awarded in March 2025).

*We encourage you to apply soon, as funds may be depleted during the first call.

Read below for an overview of the grant process. A detailed Awards Calendar appears here, and additional grant information is listed on the LAUC website.


The purpose of the grants program is to support LAUC members’ research activities. Research funds allow UC librarians a unique opportunity to engage in scholarly research and creative activity that enhances our contributions to the University and our profession.


The following three types of grants are offered (listed in order of priority for funding). LAUC members may apply for one, two, or all three types of grants.

(1) Research grants ($5,000 maximum) fund small to large projects by either one librarian or a group of librarians. Funds may be used in the current or following fiscal year (7/1/24 – 6/30/26).

(2) Mini Grants ($500 maximum) are designed to encourage librarians to develop research ideas or to see a project to completion. Funds may be used in the current or following fiscal year (7/1/24 – 6/30/26).

(3) Presentation Grants ($600 maximum) provide travel assistance to present at scholarly conferences. Funds must be used in the current fiscal year (7/1/24– 6/30/26).


Any applicant who has not submitted the required end-of-funding (EOF) report for a previous LAUC grant shall be disqualified from consideration for a new grant. The annual pool of viable applications varies in number, type of grant, and amount of support requested, typically exceeding the amount of available funding.


The R&PD page on the LAUC website features many helpful documents, including links to guidelines, forms, and past projects. Be sure to closely read and download all the forms and guidelines for the type of grant(s) you wish to pursue.


Successful applicants must submit an End of Funding Period Report by the end of the fiscal year and must acknowledge the receipt of LAUC funds in their final products. Additional information about reporting and acknowledgment is on the Guidelines for LAUC Grants page.


Complete the relevant application form (accessible through the links above) and submit it via email to the LAUC-LA R&PD Committee Chair Nina Schneider:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  I am attending a conference. Am I eligible for any of these grants?

A.  Yes, if you are presenting at a conference. LAUC Presentation Grants and LAUC-LA Mini Grants may be used to cover expenses related to presenting "completed research" at a conference. "Completed research" may be interpreted rather broadly (LAUC's Mini Grant and Presentation Grant Guidelines identify examples including "research paper, conference session, lightning round, panel, poster, etc.").

Q.  The LAUC-LA mini grant form asks about previous LAUC involvement and awards. Are these answers considered by the committee when making award decisions?

A.  Maybe. Prior involvement in LAUC/LAUC-LA and receipt of awards are a secondary set of criteria that the R&PD Committee will only consider in the event of a highly competitive year. We will also consider the length of an applicant's time in LAUC so that newer librarians are not disadvantaged.

Q.  May I apply for any of these grants anytime during the year?

A.  No. Please consult the deadline information in the boxes to the left. For both local and statewide grants, money may run out at the beginning of the year, so be sure to apply early!

Q.  I am working on a project with other UC (or UCLA) librarians. Should we submit a joint application or separate applications?

A.  For LAUC research grants, submit one joint application. For all other LAUC and LAUC-LA grants, submit individual applications.

Q.  May I apply for multiple grants in the same cycle?

A.  Yes. However, if funding is limited, the committee will probably not fund multiple applications from the same candidate, even across different types of grants (but there is nothing wrong with trying!). The most common example is a candidate applying for both a LAUC Presentation Grant and a LAUC-LA Mini Grant for the same conference presentation. It comes down to the strength of the application(s) and the number/strength of other applications received.

Q.  If I am conducting a survey as part of my research, are there any additional requirements I need to follow?

A.  Yes. Please refer to Survey Requirements

Administering Grants