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LAUC-LA Handbook: Professional Governance

This guide provides information and background documents for LAUC-LA Committees to carry out their charges. For a committee’s charge and roster, click that committee tab and a drop-down menu will lead to the procedures and documents for each committee.


Timeline is dependent upon the charge received from the LAUC-LA Chair.


Committee on Professional Governance
Committee Charge

General Charge:

The Committee is charged with fulfilling its standing Charge as stated in Article VI. Section 5 of the LAUC-LA Bylaws:

a. The Committee shall consist of three to five members.

b. The Chair of the Committee shall serve as a member of the LAUC-LA Executive Board for a period of one year, commencing September 1.

c. The committee shall undertake a continuing review of issues concerning standards for appointment, promotion and career status; revisions in the Academic Personnel Manual; bylaw changes and amendments; and other professional governance matters. The committee may suggest revisions to the bylaws to the Executive Board for consideration.


Caitlin Hunter, Chair (2025)

Hong Cheng (2025)

Michael Oppenheim (2025)

Joseph Yue (2026)

Iman Dagher (2026)

LAUC-LA Representative to Statewide Committee on Professional Governance: Ming Liu (2025)

To contact any of these people, go to the LAUC-LA Members Directory or the UCLA Directory.

Archiving and Website Upkeep

Don't forget to archive your content!

At the end of the year, please evaluate the information on your LAUC-LA Handbook page. Any documentation that is no longer current but considered important to archive can be moved to the Historical Documents tab.

If you notice areas of the LAUC-LA website that are out of date, please email the webmaster with changes.