Here is a short list of general encyclopedias and dictionaries useful in historical research on Japan:
Here is a short list of specialized historical dictionaries:
To locate full-text article in print or online format (including those in JSTOR and other journal archive we have access to) or type in the citation into Citation Linker, click on UC-eLinks icon unless noted otherwise.
Index and abstracts for articles on the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada, which are covered in America: History and Life) published since 1955.
Full text access to international, scholarly literature in the arts, humanities and social sciences journals from the first issue to 2005 or ceased date that indexed are in the Periodicals Index Online. This is a static collection, and there may be some missing issues/gaps for specific titles.
Full text back issues of core scholarly journals, browsable and searchable across multiple disciplines. Coverage starts with first issue, with moving wall for most recent 3-5 years. UCLA has access to selected JSTOR e-books only. JSTOR also includes primary source collections, including images from Artstor.