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Japanese Studies

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Zadankai I: Class, Gender and Ethnicity in Postwar Japan — May 4, 2016

座談会 戦後日本の階級・ジェンダー・民族
Zadankai: Class, Gender and Ethnicity in Postwar Japan

時: Wednesday, May 4th 2016 1pm - 3 pm

場所: UCLA Young Research Library West Classroom (YRL Rm 23167)

UCLA East Asian Library (EAL), the only holding library in the West of the Mississippi of Gordon W. Prange microform collection (13,783 magazines and 18,047 newspapers and newsletters censored in occupied Japan between 1945 and 1949), has served students and scholars beyond UCLA becoming a major hub for postwar Japanese studies.  The EAL provides a venue for free academic discussions for those “Prange” scholars to exchange and share their views and research.  Inviting Kōji TOBA, Professor of Literature at Waseda University and Yanai Visiting Professor (Spring 2016) with research interests in Kōbō Abe and Minpei Sugiura, zadankai or an impromptu round-table talk is organized.  Joining scholars to the table are Kristine DENNEHY, Professor of History at California State University, Fullerton with research interests in zainichi Koreans and Asian history pedagogy, and Michiko TAKEUCHI, Professor of History at California State University, Long Beach with research interests in pan-pan girls and oral history.  Their free-floating discussion will be facilitated by UCLA Professor of History, Katsuya HIRANO.  

Concurrent exhibit at the East Asian Library

Professor TAKEUCHI



<Articles from the Prange Collection>

  • パンパン嬢座談会 / 絵・榎本映一. 『仮面』 (1948 Mar 20) 編集者:森本繫朗;発行者:株式会社ぷろふいる社
    第三巻第二号3月号 通間7号 ページ22-25 請求番号 K349 検閲:無
  • 闇の女の生態:大東京裏の裏 / 金丸三平. 『娯楽雑誌近代=Kindai』 (1948 Feb 1) 
    第1巻1号 ページ24-26 請求番号 K1075 検閲:無

Professor DENNEHY


<Articles from the Prange Collection>

  • See "Lists of Magazines and Newspapers" tab above for Korean-related titles

Professor TOBA



<Serial Reprints>

<Multi-Volume Sets>

<Single Monographs>

<Articles from the Prange Collection>

On Class:

  • 浮浪者露店犯罪を語る: 上野署座談会 / 池田惠三郎[上野警察署長], 鈴木正[保安主任], 荒木忠藏[捜査主任], 森育三[自警会主事], 峡恒介[本誌記者]. 『自警=JIKEI』 (1946 April 1) 財団法人自警会[発行]
    第28巻第2号 4月号 ページ 6-16 請求番号 J96 検閲:有
  • 職場座談会: 国鉄ではこうたたかつている / 金井克己[党科学技術部], 池内達郎[代々木診療所], 藤田一雄[京浜地区委員会], 山本啓吉[国鉄技術研究所], 山田一男[国鉄新鶴見], 外15名[機関区勤務]. 『科学と技術』 (1948 Aug 1) 日本共産党出版部[発行]   
    第9号 9月号 ページ 4-12 請求番号 K81 検閲:有
  • 開拓地の人々囲む座談会: 多難の道を越えて開拓農業は進む. 『産業南日本』 (1948 April 1) 南日本新聞東部支社[発行]
    第3巻第4号 4 ページ 4-7 請求番号 S173 検閲:有

On Gender:

  • (検閲前) 座談会: (検閲前) 日本婦人は解放されたか / 鷺沼登美枝[東京日日新聞社], 谷口みどり[産別婦人対策部長], 小松愛子[家庭学園], 佐藤さち子[婦人民主クラブ], 江上フジ[日本放送協会], 神崎清[司会], 内山恭[実業之日本社]. 『婦人の世紀』 (1947 Sept 30) 実業之日本社[発行]
    第3号 3 ページ0  (検閲後 ページ63-75) 請求番号 F76 検閲:有  
  • 働く娘の座談会. 『主婦之友=THE SHUFU-NO-TOMO(Home journal for ladies)』 (1947 Feb 1) 株式会社主婦之友社[発行]  
    第31巻第2号 2月号 ページ0 請求番号 S2304 検閲:有

On Ethnicity:

  • 座談会:在日外国人の出路 / 尾崎庄太郎, 塩脇幸四郎[日本側:中国研究所理事, 中国研究所貿易委員会], 李殷直, 許南麒, 魚塘[朝鮮側:朝連東京本部文教部長, 在日本朝鮮人連合中央本部文教次長, 朝連教材編纂委員会], 黄廷富, 甘文芳, 田宝民, 劉啓盛[中国側:留日華僑総会会長, 留日華僑総会副会長, 同右社会組長, 同右経済組長], 陳蕚芳, 呉修竹, 蔡錦聴外[司会者]. 『中国公論』 (1949 Jan 1) 留日華僑総会社会組[発行]
    第2巻第1号 1月特大号 ページ3-17 請求番号 C236 検閲:有
  • (検閲前)東洋民主主義革命の進展(座談会) / 中国側:劉明電, 黄廷富, 甘文芳, 楊春松, 頼貴富, 日本側:平野義太郎, 鹿地亘, 中野重治, 中西成功, 朝鮮側:甲鴻湊, 白武, 尹鳳求, 本社側:曽徳銖, 元容徳ほか. 『民主朝鮮』 (1947 Aug 1) 朝鮮文化社[発行] 
    第2巻第13号 8月号 ページ0 (検閲後 ページ4-17) 請求番号 M392 検閲:有

Zadankai I Handout. (Move the internal scroll bar if blank or open the link.)

See the image

  • Bungei Seiki 文芸世紀 Century of Literature, Vol. 8 No. 1 (Jan 1946) 東京都 
    GHQ censorship document signed by Terasawa; article “Criticism on new Japanese literature” disapproved due to its press code violation by nationalistic expressions.
  • Jidōsha-Kai 自動車会 The Automobile World, Vol. 1 No. 3 (Aug 1947) 東京都
    GHQ censorship document signed by K. Harada; serial article “Automobile industry romance” deleted due to its press violation by propaganda line.
  • Josei Kaizō 女性改造 Women’s Reconstruction, Vol. 3 No. 10 (Oct 1948) 東京都
    GHQ censorship document signed by H. Masao and Furukawa; article “Lost reason 失われた理性” disapproved due to its press code violation by criticism of Russia.
  • Waseda Bungaku 早稲田文学 The Waseda Literature, Vol. 16 No. 3 (June 1949) 東京都
    GHQ censorship document signed by S. Kumano; article “My impression on Uchimura Kanzō 内村鑑三雑感” violates press code by criticism of U.S.A.
  • Seitetsu Bunka 製鉄文化 Culture of Ironworks, No. 1 (Apr 1949) 福岡県八幡
    GHQ censorship document signed by Kojiro Sada; articles with possible press code violations.
  • Gekkan Yomiuri 月刊読売 Monthly Magazine Yomiuri, Vol. 4 No. 7 (June 1946) 東京都
    GHQ censorship document signed by R. Kimishima; articles “Contemporaries,” “Advancement of women,” “My one year at Stockholm” and “Transition period (story)” deleted due to their press code violation by criticism of Allies.
  • Tamashii 魂 The Soul, Vol. 15 No. 167 (Apr 1946) 東京都
    Cover, a table of contents, an article “Gratitude to Gen. MacArthur マ元師へ感謝:連合軍歓迎,” and GHQ censorship document on disapproved lines about their press violations by disturbing public tranquility signed by W. Sera.
  • Minshu Chōsen 民主朝鮮 Democratic Korea, Vol. 2 No. 9 (Apr 1947)] 横須賀市
    Cover, a poem “The Ashes 焼跡” by In Shien 尹紫遠, preface “Appeal to Japanese intellectuals: resisting suppression of ethnic education 日本の文化人に訴う:民族教育弾厭に抗して” and afterword by Editor Kimu Tarusu 金達壽, and GHQ censorship document about possible press violations signed by Nobunari Ichikawa.
  • Chōsen Shin Minpō 朝鮮新民報 New Peoples Magazine (Korean), Initial issue (Nov 1946) 東京都
    Cover, censored articles and GHQ censorship document about their press code violations by causing resentment and criticism against Allies signed by R. Kiriyama and by M. Hori on resubmitted items.
  • Kokusai 国際 The International, Shinnengō (Jan 1948) 東京都
    Cover, a replaced article “Reports on the Inquiry of the North-West Districts along the back coast of Japan 裏日本探訪記” by John Rich, INS Staff Correspondent, and GHQ censorship document on J. Rich’s article and a suppressed article “An interview with Saburo KURUS, the former envoy to the U.S.” by Frank Emery, INS, and about their press code violations by criticisms of occupation singed by S. Hakajima.
  • Shūkan Makkāsā Shireibu Jūyō Happyō oyobi Shirē 週刊マッカーサー司令部重要発表及指令 Directives & Important Releases of G.H.Q., No. 8: Aug 12-17 (1946 August 23) Tokyo
    Bilingual weekly newsletter of G.H.Q.; miscellaneous articles on display (p. 6-9 and 12-13: “Repatriation directive to all Ryukyuan 全琉球人の引揚指令,” etc.; p. 8-11: “Second warrant to construction of fishing boats 第二回漁業船建造許可," etc.; p. 92-95: "Huge release of canned foods this month OK’d by SCAP, etc.)
  • Tōkyō Shūhō 東京週報 Tokyo Weekly, No. 1-2 (Dec 1947) 東京都
     “People in need of help: delinquent youth, orphans, and prostitutes 救ひを求める人々:不良青少年・孤児・浮浪兒・ヤミの女” by Toshio Tomidaira, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Labor Contract Agent 東京都労働局嘱託 下平富司夫, p. 3-11
  • Kindai 娯楽雑誌近代 Modern, Vol. 1 No. 1 (Feb 1948) 東京都
    “Truth about women of the street: exposing the seamy side of Great Tokyo 闇の女の生態:大東京裏の裏,” p. 24-26
  • Iye-no-Hikari 家の光 Light of Home, Vol. 24 No. 6 (June 1948) 東京都
    “Improved standard of life for women workers at textile factory in Toyama Prefecture 働きよくなった女工生活:富山紡小山工場カメラ訪問,” p. 1-3
  • Kamen 仮面 The Mask, Vol. 3 No. 2 (Mar 1948) 東京都
    “Pan-pan girl zadankai (round-table talk) パンパン嬢座談会,” p. 22-25
  • Nippon Yūmoa 日本ユーモア The Japan Humor, Vol. 4 No. 5 (Jul-Aug 1949) 東京都
    “School for pan-pan girls at port city: English lesson by Teacher Den ミナト都市のパンパン学校:デン先生の英語授業,” p. 68

Zadankai III: Beyond Geopolitical Imaginaries — June 4, 2018

  Celebrating the seventieth anniversary of both UCLA Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library and Asian Languages & Culture Department, the East Asian Library presents its third zadankai (round-table talks). The speakers on two panels discuss how to do transnational studies and its significance for the present conjuncture. They share their methods, agendas, and philosophies in research and writing.

When: Monday, June 4th, 2018 |12 pm - 2 pm & 4 pm - 6 pm

Where: UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library West Classroom (YRL Rm 23167)


12 pm - 2 pm <1st Panel>

4 pm - 6 pm <2nd Panel>


Sponsored by UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, Center for Korean Studies, Asia Pacific Center, and UCLA Library.
Maps, Directions, and Parking

Part I (12 - 2 pm) 1:36 hr

Part II (4 - 6 pm) 1:57 hr

Bringing the Archives of Wartime and Occupied Japan to Life: Perspectives from the Public and Private Sectors

As part of the 70th anniversary celebration program UCLA Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library presents a panel discussion on Japanese archival materials. This panel brings together several different approaches to Japanese archival materials from the wartime and occupation periods (ca. 1940-1952). The panel was originally held at the 2018 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference.

When: Monday, April 30th, 2018 at 12 pm - 2 pm
Where: UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library Presentation Room, (YRL Rm 11348)


~ Presentations:

Zadankai IV: "Atomic" Symposium — November 8, 2019






Symposium on Post-War Japan in the Nuclear Age

WHEN: Friday, 11/08/2019     RSVP
WHERE: UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL) Main Conference Room (room 11360) floor map

  • 10:00 am: Opening of the YRL Main Conference Room for registration
  • undefined11:00 am - 1:00 pm: Discussion/Zadankai

Intermission: Screening of Hiroshima: A Mother's Prayer ヒロシマ・母たちの祈り

  • 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Keynote Speechundefined
    • Norma FIELD, Emeritus Professor, University of Chicago 
      “From Hiroshima to Fukushima and Points Between: Where’s the Enemy?”
  • 5:00 pm: Closing of the symposium


>"HIROSHIMA/NAGASAKI: Atomic Posters." Poster exhibition from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, donated by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, at the East Asian Library, September-December 2019.
1-1 Introduction of Takuo Takigawa, Director, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (00:02:11) itemscope="" itemtype="">
1-2 Takuo Takigawa, “Conveying Memories of the A-bomb Experience: Preserving Our Heritage for Future Generations.” (00:20:56; in Japanese with English interpretation) itemscope="" itemtype="">
1-3 Introduction of Michiko Takeuchi, Associate Professor, California State University at Long Beach (00:01:04) itemscope="" itemtype="">
1-4 Michiko Takeuchi, “Sexual Politics of Mange and the Security Treaty (Anpo).” (00:23:19; audio only with introduction) itemscope="" itemtype="">
1-5 Introduction of Setsu Shigematsu, Associate Professor, University of California at Riverside (00:01:19) itemscope="" itemtype="">
1-6 Setsu Shigematsu, “Obama and Hiroshima: Necropolitical Poetics & the Black Mirror.” (00:20:37) itemscope="" itemtype="">
1-7 Panel & floor discussion (00:45:03) itemscope="" itemtype="">
2-1 Keynote speech. Norma Field, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago. “From Hiroshima to Fukushima and Points Between (and Surrounding): Where’s the Enemy?” (01: 01:36; with introduction) itemscope="" itemtype="">
2-2 N. Field discussion (00:29.51) itemscope="" itemtype="">

Zadankai V: Multimedia and Censorship — June 1, 2022


Zadankai V: Prange Roundtable 2022: Multimedia and Censorship

June 1 (Wednesday), 2022, 12:50 - 13:50
Young Research Library Main Conference Room (YRL Rm 11360), UCLA
[in Japanese unless otherwise indicated; Open to UCLA Affiliates]
RSVP required

style="background:#eeeeee;border:1px solid #cccccc;padding:5px 10px;">The fifth Zadankai invites Misa Umetada, Professor of Languages and Cultures, Ochanomizu University and Yanai Visiting Professor, UCLA, and Koji Toba, Professor of Japanese Literature, Waseda University, to discuss about Kabuki in Edo and postwar Japan through the lens of censorship and in the postwar media environment.

Zadankai Speakers 対談者:

Misa Umetada 埋忠美沙 (Ochanomizu University) "Censorship in Edo Kabuki"

Koji Toba 鳥羽耕史 (Waseda University) "Postwar media environment and Kabuki

[Click-open the <Resources> tab to find the two reading materials. Click the <Zadankai V (06/01/2022)> tab to return to this frame.]

Co-Moderators 進行役
Kanako Mabuchi (UCLA PhD Student)
Kazuhiko Imai (UCLA PhD Student)


12:50: Welcome and introductions / Tomoko Bialock
12:55: Opening remarks / Su Chen, Head UCLA East Asian Library
13:00 - 13:20: Professor Umetada 
13:20 - 13:40: Professor Toba 
13:40 - 13:50: Open the floor for discussion
13:50: Closing remarks

UCLA East Asian Library
Junko Tanaka (UCLA East Asian Library)
Kim McNelly (UCLA PhD Student and UCLA East Asian Library)
UCLA Library
UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies 

Zadankai and Prange Exhibit, May 2016

CCD Documents

Articles on Ethnicity: Tamashii (The Soul)

Articles on Ethnicity: Minshu Chosen (Democratic Korea)

Poem "Yakeato" (The Aashes)

Articles on Ethnicity: Chosen Shin Minpo (New Peoples Magazine-Korea)

Kokusai (The International)

Articles on Class and Gender

Directives & Important Releases of GHQ

Zadankai -2

Zadankai -3

Zadankai -4

Zadankai -5

Zadankai -6

Zadankai -7

Ricahrd C. Rudolph East Asian Library