"New Disney Medallions Worth a Mint to Anaheim Producer: Orange County Edition"Tighe, John; Los Angeles, Calif: Los Angeles Times Communications LLC
While the value of Disney commemoratives resides in their rare-metal content and the sentimental attachment of collectors, the Disney name and image is so pervasive that "anything with Disney is a collector's item," said Beth Deishler, editor of Coin World, a weekly newspaper in Sidney, Ohio. "Baby boomers are collectors, and they're the ones in love with Disney." Lois Fullmer, a buyer for Disney, said the medallions have been big sellers in Disney gift catalogues and at the company's parks in Anaheim and Florida. PHOTO: The line of silver medallions of Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs issued by Rarities Mint of Anaheim. [Ian Simpson] of Rarities Mint.