"State-Capital-Led Glocalization: A Study of Shanghai Disneyland" / by Ni-Chen SungDissertation--PhD; The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017.
Contrary to the other Disneyland outside of the United States concluded as ''not differ dramatically from the American ones'' because of the belief that ''the attraction of Disneyland is its faithfulness to the original Disneyland in California'' (Lee & Fung, 2013: 45), Shanghai Disneyland was purposely created to be different from the other Disneyland with the goal of being ''authentically Disney and distinctly Chinese.'' Focusing on Disney's production of Shanghai Disneyland, this study borrows the elements in the circuit of culture (du Gay et al., 1997) to analyze for what reasons, in which ways, and with what implications Shanghai Disneyland is different from the other Disneyland through the examination of production's relationship with state, market, park identity, and park representation by employing the research methods of participant observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis.