The list of newspapers presented here is not comprehensive. To see if we have newspapers from a particular region or time period, you can do a Subject Search in UC Library Search for:
"california newspapers"
You can also add additional keywords to narrow the search.
For example:
"armenian california newspapers"
When doing research on the history of a region, it is often helpful to discover what newspapers existing in the region during a particular time period. Union lists are bibliographies containing publications held at a variety of libraries.
You can do a Subject Search in UC Library Search for:
"union lists newspapers"
You can narrow the search by adding a location name.
For example:
"union lists newspapers California"
"American union lists newspapers"
For current newspaper access, your best bet is either to look up the newspaper title in our catalog or search Lexis Nexis or Factiva. For alternative press, you can also try Alt-Press Watch and Ethnic News Watch.
Historical newspapers can be more tricky to access. Many have not been digitized, so you may have to look at microfilm or print copies. Some have not even been indexed which means you have to figure out a date or range of dates and browse manually for information.
Frequently, historians want access to circulation data. This is not easy to get but contemporary circulation data for many papers can be found at the Audit Bureau of Circulation's website. The ABC's historical data reaches back as far as 1914 but is only available to Audit Bureau members.
Here are some good historical newspapers available online:
Thousands of fully searchable historical newspapers from all 50 states and Washington, D.C., chronicling the evolution of American culture and daily life from 1690 to 1922. Series One covers 1690-1876, and Series Two includes 1690-1900.
Complete text of articles from 1959 to the present from publications of the ethnic, minority, and native press. Covers news, culture, and history, and is searchable in both English and Spanish.
American, African, Latin American, and South Asian newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries. UCLA subscribes to a subset of this collection.
The Atlanta Constitution offers full page and article images with searchable full text from 1868-1984. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
Full page and article images with searchable full text, covering 1849-2014 of the paper. For access to current issues, see Chicago Tribune [1985-present].
Full page and article images with searchable full text from the first issue in 1881 to 2015. For access to current issues, see Los Angeles Times [1985-present].
Full page and article images with searchable full text from the first issue in 1851 to 2020. For access to current issues, see The New York Times [1980-present]. Contains the former Historical Index to the New York Times (1851-1923) from the database Historical Newspapers Online.
Full page and article images with searchable full text, from 1889 to 2012. For access to current issues, see Wall Street Journal [1984-present].
Full page and article images with searchable full text from the first issue in 1877 to 2007. For access to current issues, see Washington Post [1987-present].
The Baltimore Afro-American was the most widely circulated black newspaper on the Atlantic coast. It was the first black newspaper to have correspondents reporting on World War II, foreign correspondents, and female sports correspondents.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender (including Daily Defender) is included as part of Black Studies Center (1921-2010). Proquest's Chicago Defender content does not include the newspaper's "City Edition," which is currently only available on microfilm.
Major Black newspaper in Los Angeles, covering May 17, 1934 - 2010. For access to current issues see Ethnic NewsWatch.
The major Black newspaper in New York.