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To find books in the UCLA Library and beyond, use the following catalogs:
UC Library Search is the unified discovery and borrowing system for all 10 UC Campuses. Select the UCLA Library Catalog scope to search holdings of materials owned by the UCLA Library and other UCLA collections, whether online or in print. Does not contain full-text articles or article citations. Select the Articles, books and more scope to search for materials in all 10 UC campuses. More information in this guide.
OCLC FirstSearch catalog includes citations for books, journals, manuscripts, maps, music scores, sound recordings, films, computer files, newspapers, slides, videotapes, archival material, etc., in libraries around the world.
When searching for books, there are a couple good strategies to start with: 1. If you already have a relevant book or article in hand, use its bibliography to find other sources; 2. Do a subject heading search in a catalog (see box to the right).
For some historical research, it's important to track a particular individual whose name may have varied over the course of his/her lifetime or publication history. In these cases, pay attention to cross-references in the catalog when you do an Author or Subject search for a name. Keep all name variants in mind when you search other catalogs and databases to ensure that you are finding all relevant resources.
In general, searching for electronic books is the same process as searching for print books. Start with the catalog. However, we do have access to some e-book collections that make it easier to browse. I will add individual, open access e-books having to do with the history of science, technology, or medicine as I come across them. Please suggest titles to add!