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Ethnomusicology Research Guide

Photo Gallery

UCLA Music of India Ensemble

Melograph Printout Next To Western and Japanese Notation of Hichiriki Melody

UCLA Javenese Gamelan Ensemble

Mantle Hood Playing Kendang in UCLA Javanese Gamelan Ensemble

UCLA Mariachi Ensemble

Robert Berkman at the Pianola

UCLA Music and Dance of Ghana

Helen Rees

Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy

Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje

UCLA Ethnomusicology Faculty

Javanese Rebab Lesson with Mantle Hood

UCLA Korean Court Music Ensemble

Steven Loza

Timothy Rice

Charlotte Heth

James Porter

Mitsuru Yuge Playing Shakuhachi

Robert Bonsu Playing Ashanti Drums

UCLA Gagaku Ensemble

UCLA Indian Music Group

UCLA's Mariachi Uclatlan

UCLA Korean Court Music Ensemble

Robert Bonsu and Robert Ayitee Playing Drums

UCLA Music and Dance of Ghana

Ethnomusicological and Audiovisual Archive Professional Organizations

50 Years of UCLA Ethnomusicology
