EIMA is an historical archive of major trade and consumer magazines in film, television, music, radio, and theater, from their inception to 2000. Includes weekly Variety, Hollywood Reporter, American Cinematographer, Back Stage, Billboard, Broadcasting, Picturegoer, Screen International, Spin, and more. UCLA has access to parts I, II and III of this database.
International, highly annotated database with detailed content analysis of writings on musical history and culture between 1800 and 1950--from Beethoven to Bartok, from Berlioz to Berg, and from Schubert to Shostakovich. Currently indexes the contents of 120 music periodicals including articles, reviews, illustrations, music examples, advertisements, press reviews. In addition, RIPM offers more than 5,000 English-language translations of articles from journals in other languages.
When looking for articles, the best place to begin is an article database. UCLA students, staff and faculty have access to hundreds of databases and these databases index thousands of journals/periodicals. The article databases may contain citations, abstracts, or article full text.
Before beginning your research:
Remember that your research topic might cover more than one discipline. For example, if you are doing research on Chinese music, you might need to search not only music, but also Chinese/Asian studies and anthropology databases, as well.
Once in a database, start with a KEYWORD search using words relevant to your topic. When you see a relevant article, click on the title to see the complete citation. If there are SUBJECT TERMS or DESCRIPTORS, click on those related to your topic to find other articles on the subject.
Full text back issues of core scholarly journals, browsable and searchable across multiple disciplines. Coverage starts with first issue, with moving wall for most recent 3-5 years. UCLA has access to selected JSTOR e-books only. JSTOR also includes primary source collections, including images from Artstor.
Full text of current issues (from about 1990) of scholarly journals published by university presses, chiefly in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Browsable by discipline and full-text searchable across all disciplines. UCLA has access to Muse e-books published from 2017-present, plus a selected number of other e-book titles.