The US Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government, and is comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
A bill is drafted and introduced in one chamber of Congress by a legislator; it is assigned a bill number, and referred to a committee. House bills are usually abbreviated “H.R. 2315”; Senate bills, “S. 425.” Text of bills are often reprinted in hearings and committee reports, older Senate bills, are reprinted in the Congressional Record.
A hearing is a meeting or session of a Senate, House, joint, or special committee of Congress, usually open to the public. Hearings are used to obtain information and opinions on proposed bills, conduct an investigation, or evaluate/oversee the activities of a government department or the implementation of a Federal law. Also, hearings may also be purely exploratory in nature, providing testimony and data about topics of current interest.
UCLA's holdings of US Congressional hearings on microfiche start in 1958. Prior to that date we have indexes for hearings from 1833-1969 (Ref KF40 .S474i 1935, Ref Z1223 .A1954)
Floor debates may occur at any time on a bill; these are recorded in the daily publication, Congressional Record.
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The US Congressional Serial Set, commonly referred to as the Serial Set, contains the House and Senate Documents and the House and Senate Reports bound by session of Congress. An overview can be found at US Congressional Serial Set - What It Is and Its History.
To view specific volumes or contents of each volume in the Congressional Serial Set, view the Government Printing Office's Numerical List of Documents and Reports and Schedule of Serial Set Volumes lists.
Presenting every publication from the 15th through 103rd Congress, the Readex U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1994, the database is searchable by subject, publication category, standing committee author, and other parameters. Includes the Reports, Documents and Journals of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.
Full-text collection of 19th and early 20th century Anglo-American legal treatises, derived from two essential reference collections for historical legal studies: the 19th Century Legal Treatises and 20th Century Legal Treatises microfilm collections.
This database contains nearly 11 million pages of records and briefs brought before the US Supreme Court in the period 1832-1978. For the period 1832 (when printed Court records began) through 1915, the documents are based primarily on the holdings of the Jenkins Memorial Law Library, America's first law library, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For 1915-1978 the source is the Library of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.
Use these online and print resources to compile a congressional member's voting record. To get started, click here for voting records and information about the congressional voting process.