Online editions of classic French works, plus modern studies and essays on French literature, language, history, art, music, and social sciences. Portions which UCLA subscribes to Include: Livres et revues numériques (mostly texts from and about the Renaissance), French language dictionaries and encyclopedias from the 9th to 20th centuries; and the Grand Corpus des littératures française et francophone (French literature, medieval literature, modern and Francophone literature from Black Africa and the Indian Ocean).
UC Library Search is the unified discovery and borrowing system for all 10 UC Campuses. Select the UCLA Library Catalog scope to search holdings of materials owned by the UCLA Library and other UCLA collections, whether online or in print. Does not contain full-text articles or article citations. Select the Articles, books and more scope to search for materials in all 10 UC campuses. More information in this guide.
OCLC FirstSearch catalog includes citations for books, journals, manuscripts, maps, music scores, sound recordings, films, computer files, newspapers, slides, videotapes, archival material, etc., in libraries around the world.
The majority of printed books found in this guide are located at the following library locations:
For a complete list of UCLA Library locations and hours, go here.
The UCLA Library uses the Library of Congress (LOC) Classification to organize its holdings. Searching LOC's standardized subject headings can help you find books on specific topics, authors, and genres in UC Library Search. To find more relevant subject headings, look at individual catalog records that are relevant to your topic—you will find subject headings listed in the "Details" section under "Subject". You can also browse UC Library Search by Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH) here; just select the option in the dropdown. Some examples are:
It can also be useful to know the Library of Congress call number ranges. Below are the ranges most relevant to French Literature. For a detailed breakdown, see the Library of Congress Classification Outline. Select Section P -- Language and Literature, then subclass PQ (or see below).
PQ1-3999 French literature
PQ1-771 History and criticism
PQ1-150 General
PQ151-221 Medieval. Old French
PQ226-310 Modern
PQ400-491 Poetry
PQ500-591 Drama
PQ601-771 Prose and prose fiction
PQ(781)-841) Folk literature
PQ845 Juvenile literature
PQ1100-1297 Collections
PQ1100-1145 General
PQ1160-1193 Poetry
PQ1211-1241 Drama
PQ1243-1297 Prose
PQ1300-1595 Old French literature
Class here Old French literature to ca. 1500/1550
PQ1300-1391 Collections
Individual authors and works
PQ1411-1545 To 1350/1400
PQ1551-1595 (14th-) 15th century (to ca. 1525)
PQ1600-2726 Modern literature
Individual authors
PQ1600-1709 16th century
PQ1710-1935 17th century
PQ1947-2147 18th century
PQ2149-2551 19th century
PQ2600-2651 1900-1960
PQ2660-2686 1961-2000
PQ2700-2726 2001-
PQ3800-3999 Provincial, local, colonial, etc.