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Science Fiction Film and Television

A guide to research resources related to the study of science fiction film and television, including books, articles, and archives.

Selected Images

Additional Resources

Selected Films on Kanopy

La Jetée (dir. Chris Marker, 1962)

"Chris Marker, filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer, editor, and now videographer and digital multimedia artist, has been challenging moviegoers, philosophers, and himself for years with his complex queries about time, memory, and the rapid advancement of life on this planet. Marker’s LA JETÉE is one of the most influential, radical science-fiction films ever made, a tale of time travel told in still images."

UCLA students, staff, and faculty access through Kanopy. Log into the campus VPN or proxy server to view video.

The Visitors (dir. Jean-Marie Poiré, 1993)

"In 1122, a brave solider and his right hand man are sent to the future by a sinister witch and an absent-minded wizard. Hilarity ensues as they try to find their way back to their own time while dealing with confusion and chaos of 21st century France."

UCLA students, staff, and faculty access through Kanopy. Log into the campus VPN or proxy server to view video.

Donnie Darko (dir. Richard Kelly, 2001)

"Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) is a disturbed adolescent from a semi-functional, upper-middle class family, gifted with a sharp intellect and vivid imagination - but he's also a bit weird. Donnie's off his medication and when his boredom is obliterated by a falling airline engine, he becomes increasingly delusional and convinced the world will end in 28 days. Aided by an imaginary friend, he embarks on an increasingly crazed series of actions, which horrify his teachers, scare his parents and amaze his friends."

UCLA students, staff, and faculty access through Kanopy. Log into the campus VPN or proxy server to view video.

The Long Walk (dir. Mattie Do, 2019)

"An old scavenger living on the fringes of a near-future society exploits a ghostly companion’s ability to traverse time, hoping to prevent his mother’s suffering from a terminal illness."

UCLA students, staff, and faculty access through Kanopy. Log into the campus VPN or proxy server to view video.