Full text (no ads or pictures) from 1985 to the present. For access to older issues, see ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times [1881-2000].
Full text (no ads or pictures) from 1985 to the present. For access to older issues, see Proquest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune [1849-2014].
Full text (no ads or pictures) from 1980 to the present. For access to older issues, see ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times [1851-2020]
Full text, from 1984 to present. For access to older issues, see ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Wall Street Journal [1889-2012].
Also see: NEWS GUIDE to all UCLA news subscriptions.
Index to journal articles and gray literature on educational research and practice from 1969 to the present and ERIC documents since 1966.
Abstracts and citations to journal articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, and dissertations relevant to students, researchers, and professionals working in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences.
Full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe & Huber.
Full text back issues of core scholarly journals, browsable and searchable across multiple disciplines. Coverage starts with first issue, with moving wall for most recent 3-5 years. UCLA has access to selected JSTOR e-books only. JSTOR also includes primary source collections, including images from Artstor.
Full text of current issues (from about 1990) of scholarly journals published by university presses, chiefly in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Browsable by discipline and full-text searchable across all disciplines. UCLA has access to Muse e-books published from 2017-present, plus a selected number of other e-book titles.
Articles and e-books in the sciences, technology, medicine, and social sciences. UCLA subscribes to a subset of this collection.
Immense array of books, chapters, conference proceedings and journal articles in the social sciences and sciences, published by Springer-Verlag. After searching, unclick Preview Only Content, whose materials are not under UCLA subscription. Advanced search enabled at wheel icon to right of search.
A multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of most disciplines. Indexes major journals with all cited references captured. Combines the following citation databases: Science Citation Index Expanded; Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI); Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI); Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
Citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. Also searches NCBI's integrated molecular biology databases, including nucleotide sequences, protein sequences, 3-D protein structure data, population study data sets, and assemblies of complete genomes in an integrated system. Note: This link uses a special address which turns on Get it at UC. Without that, PubMed does not link to UCLA's online subscriptions.
Reference resource for research in American government, politics, legislation, history, public policy, and current affairs. UCLA Library has selected access that includes CQ Almanac, CQ Researcher Plus Archive, and CQ Magazine (For CQ Press e-books, see Sage Knowledge).
Indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences from 1,800+ serials publications; also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers. Coverage from 1952-present.
Full text publications focusing on the impact of gender across multiple subject areas. Include scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, and more.
Contains indexing and abstracts for LGBTQ-specific core periodicals, core books and reference works. In addition, other source-types such as grey literature, including newsletters, case studies, speeches, etc. are represented. Former database title: LGBT Life.
Provides access to citations for a wide range of topics in the study of women and gender, 1972-present.
Includes 2500 legal journals, the entire Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, and entire databases dedicated to treaties, constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations, U.S. Presidents, and much more.
Full-text news (including broadcast transcripts), business, legal, and reference information. Useful for finding full-text of current performing arts and media industry news in major newspapers. Includes biographical information from Who's Who titles. Formerly LexisNexis Academic.
International coverage of articles, books, conference proceedings, and government documents on social and political policy, political science, public administration, current affairs, and related topics from 1972 to the present. Includes PAIS Archive, which covers 1915 to 1976.
Citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international literature in political science, international relations, law, and public policy.
Abstracts of articles from approximately 2,000 serials in the fields of linguistics, language behavior, and related disciplines, as well as books, book chapters, occasional papers, technical reports and dissertations.
If UCLA does not own an item, UC students, faculty, and staff can request it through the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. There is no charge for this service for UCLA students, faculty and staff.
- Submit an Interlibrary Loan Request. The Interlibrary Loan Service enables UC students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials not available in UCLA Libraries. You don't have to specify a location, UCLA will automatically search for availability in other libraries, both in this country and abroad.
- Check the status of your Interlibrary Loan Request. Sign in to your UCLA Library Account to determine the status of your ILL requests.
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