Education Research Guide

This Education Research Guide is intended as a starting place for UCLA researchers, pointing to resources and strategies for finding information about Education topics and sources.

Spotlight: The Gutman Library at Harvard University

Collection of ~45,000 elementary and secondary textbooks covering subject areas from agriculture to zoology. Materials in the collection were published in the United States in English from 1776 through 1985. A few European imprints in foreign languages are included.

Contains textbooks focused on reading and teaching literacy (referred to as Readers or Basal Readers). Harvard Library's Open Collection Program, Reading: Harvard Views of Readers, Readership and Reading History, may also be of interest.

Locating Sources

Searching within the Gutman Historical Textbooks Collection:

  1. Visit the HOLLIS library catalog
  2. Click Advanced Search
  3. Select Library Catalog
  4. To view all titles in the Historical Textbooks Collection
    1. In the first drop-down, select Code: Library + Collection
    2. Enter:  guthdspect
    3. To see digitized content, refine the results to show only online material
  5. To search within the Historical Textbooks Collection:
    1. In the first drop-down, select Code: Library + Collection
    2. Enter:  guthdspect
    3. Add one or more search terms to the additional search fields, such as United States and history for U.S. history textbooks
    4. To see digitized content, refine the results to show only online material

Textbooks Collections

Historical Textbooks

Modern Textbooks