Collection of ~45,000 elementary and secondary textbooks covering subject areas from agriculture to zoology. Materials in the collection were published in the United States in English from 1776 through 1985. A few European imprints in foreign languages are included.
Contains textbooks focused on reading and teaching literacy (referred to as Readers or Basal Readers). Harvard Library's Open Collection Program, Reading: Harvard Views of Readers, Readership and Reading History, may also be of interest.
Locating Sources
Searching within the Gutman Historical Textbooks Collection:
- Visit the HOLLIS library catalog
- Click Advanced Search
- Select Library Catalog
- To view all titles in the Historical Textbooks Collection
- In the first drop-down, select Code: Library + Collection
- Enter: guthdspect
- To see digitized content, refine the results to show only online material
- To search within the Historical Textbooks Collection:
- In the first drop-down, select Code: Library + Collection
- Enter: guthdspect
- Add one or more search terms to the additional search fields, such as United States and history for U.S. history textbooks
- To see digitized content, refine the results to show only online material