Library Digital Collections

This guide provides Digital Library Collections tutorials, data, scourse-specific IIIF guides and other digitized primary resources information.

UCLA Libary Digital Collections

Screen shot of the home page of the UCLA Library Digital Collections siteUCLA Library Digital Collections website

The UCLA Library Digital Collections website provides access to research-grade digitized primary source collections held by the UCLA Library and partnering organizations from around the world. Digital collections generally represent a fraction of what libraries, museums and archives own in boxes and folders. What they offer instead of bulk quantity is robust quality and technological sophistication: selectively curated high-value materials that have been prioritized for item-level description and cutting-edge digital processing, with advanced features for rigorous inquiry. Approximately half of the items in UCLA Digital Collections are direct facsimiles of physical materials in UCLA Library Special Collections, where they can be viewed and verified in person. Other collections have been added to the Digital Collections site through grant-funded "post-custodial" digitization arrangements, such as IDEP (The International Digital Ephemera Project) and MEAP (the Modern Endangered Archives Program. These collections can only be engaged remotely, as the originals are typically located thousands of miles away, and may not be available for on-site viewing. 


Digital collections contain primary source content, that is, rare and unique materials with a wide range of formats (e.g. photograph, sketch, poster, manuscript, audio, video, etc.), and are different from other digital content available through the library, such as ebooks and scholarly journals. 

Leading collections (by number of items):

Other UCLA Digital Collections

Additional online collections host specialized content that is accessed differently. These include:

Center for Oral History Research

Center for Oral History Research

Strachwitz Frontera Collection

The Strachwitz Frontera Collection

Sinai Manuscripts (image of St. Catherine's Monastery

The Sinai Manuscripts Digital Library

Sinai Palimpsests Project

The Sinai Palimpsests Project

  • University Archives "Picturing UCLA: The Visual History of UCLA as Told Through 10,000+ Images."  This collection has its own interactive viewing site, and items are also viewable on the main Digital Collections Site)
  • Center for Oral History ResearchThe UCLA Center for Oral History Research (COHR) conducts in-depth, multi-session oral history interviews with individuals who have been a part of the history of Los Angeles and its many communities. COHR has particularly strong collections in the history of social movements, communities of color, the arts, Los Angeles politics and government, and the history of UCLA.
  • The Strachwitz Frontera Collection of Mexican and Mexican American Recordings: over 125,000 songs celebrating North America’s Spanish-language musical heritage
  • The Sinai Manuscripts Digital Library: a collaboration of St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai, in partnership with the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library (EMEL) and the UCLA Library. Widely recognized as the world’s oldest continually operating library, the manuscript holdings of St. Catherine’s Monastery are a resource to study the history and literature of the Eastern Mediterranean from late antiquity until early modernity. NOTE: this digital library is intended for scholarly use and requires a password-authenticated account, which can be requested from the home page.
  • The Sinai Palimpsests Projectstate-of-the-art spectral imaging recovered erased texts from palimpsest manuscripts in the library of St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai, the world’s oldest continually operating monastery. The monastery holds an exceptional collection of more than 160 palimpsests, the erased layers of which preserve unstudied texts from the 4th to the 12th century.  

The Digital Library Program 

The UCLA Library Digital Library Program is a unit within the library that oversees the various digital collections and sites, and collaborates at all stages of collections creation with partnering entities within the UCLA Library and around the globe. 

UCLA Library Digital Collections Mission

The UCLA Digital Library Program works collaboratively within the UCLA Library, across campus, and with a broad range of partners to preserve and provide enhanced access to local and global cultural heritage materials in support of the University’s teaching, learning, research and service mission.

UCLA Digital Library Collections follow ethical and inclusive approaches to descriptive practices as outlined in Toward Ethical and Inclusive Descriptive Practices in UCLA Library Special Collections.

UCLA Library Digital Collections 

Much of the content found in UCLA Library Digital Collections consist of digitized primary resources. Currently, UCLA has the following Digital Collections: