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The Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive contains an estimated 4 million images dating from approximately 1918 to 1990. The collection consists of photonegatives as well as photographic prints, and includes glass negatives (circa 1918-1932), nitrate negatives (circa 1925-45), and safety negatives (circa 1935-1990). Also included are a small number of prints and negatives from the Los Angeles Times Orange County and San Diego bureaus.
The scope of the collection is near-comprehensive as a document of events, personalities, movements, and institutions in the news. Unique among its content is the amount of photographic evidence concerning the Los Angeles region during this time. The range of documentary material reflecting L.A. politics, the built environment, arts and culture, race relations, industry, growth and development is perhaps unrivaled. The photographic records resulting from the Times’ diligent and constant coverage of the Hollywood entertainment industry are a particularly important cache.
Full page and article images with searchable full text from the first issue in 1881 to 2015. For access to current issues, see Los Angeles Times [1985-present].
Cars on the road through Griffith Park with laborers in the background widening the road, Los Angeles, 1933-04
UCLA tennis player Arthur Ashe firing a backhand volley at Dennis Ralston in Southern California Intercollegiates, 1964-03-16
Filipino family roasting pig over hot coals during the Lotus Festival at Echo Park in Los Angeles, Calif., 1976
Jo Jeanne Angeloff rubbing eyes from effects of smog atop the Occidental Center building in Los Angeles, Calif., 1965-04-20
Nisei Festival Week Queen contestants, Los Angeles, 1966-08-11
Cyclone Racer roller coaster seen from location of destroyed Pine Avenue Pier, Long Beach, 1934
"Peacock" float in the Tournament of Roses Parade, Pasadena, 1933-01-02
Bill Lloyd looking over Long Beach and San Bernardino Freeways interchange on opening day, 1965-02-15
Two scenes from the filming of "Fatty and the Broadway Stars," Los Angeles, 1915
Four Brown Berets leaders, Fred Lopez, David Sanchez , Carlos Montes and Ralph Ramirez in Los Angeles, Calif., 1968-03-07
Goodyear-Zeppelin airship approaching the USS Patoka in the Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro, 1932
Dancing Chinese lion during festival in Chinatown, Los Angeles, circa 1920-1939
Paraplegic students sign up for classes at UCLA, 1949-09-19
Blessing of the animals on Olvera Street, Los Angeles (Calif.), 1948-03-28
California Coast Girls Surf Club, 1963-05-19
Burned residence from Watts Riots, Los Angeles (Calif.), 1965-10-15
Primary grading for Dodger Stadium in Chavez Ravine, Los Angeles (Calif.), 1960-04-16
Bennett family gathered around Seder table upon which sits symbolic Jewish foods in Beverly Hills, Calif., 1965-04-08
Police drag MGM protesters to police wagon, 1946-10-01
Atomic blast preparedness : actors reacting to nuclear blast, 1950-08-29
Homeless Floyd Heagle and Dorothy Johnson, with children living in car in Los Angeles, Calif., 1946-08-06
Iron Eyes Cody filming dedication of Indian Garden with a Quasar VHS camcorder in Los Angeles, Calif., 1986-04-18
Long line of people waiting to obtain meat during first day of war rationing in Los Angeles. 1943-03-28