Chicano Moratorium Committee antiwar demonstrators, 1970-08-30
Arab men and women, dressed in all white, wearing pictures of objectors during demonstration against Iran's Ruhollah Khomeini in Los Angeles, Calif., 1985-02-09
American Veterans' Committee protests lack of housing for veterans in MacArthur Park, Calif., 1947-01-11
Angela Davis demonstrates against prison conditions at the State Building (Calif.), 1970-06-20
Anti-war demonstrators watching burning of napalm coated mannequin on Cal State Los Angeles campus, 1967-12-07
Black Muslim rally with Elijah Muhammad shaking hands with Cassius Clay in Los Angeles, Calif., 1964-08-10
CIO pickets carrying Stalin masks in parade at Los Angeles Federal Building, 1949-01-13
Couples dancing amongst crowd at love-in held at Griffith Park, Los Angeles, Calif., 1967-07-24
Crowd of 15,000 outside Los Angeles City Hall in 1948 protesting U.S. Palestine policy, 1948-04-09
César Chávez with John Giumarra and others after signing pact ending California Grape Strike, 1970-07-30
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ralph Abernathy, 1963-05-26
Female Young Communist League members with signs on back of their shirts picket Japanese Consulate in Los Angeles, Calif. 1937-09-09
Two Native American Indian protesters talking to Dr. Carl Dentzel, director of Southwest Museum about display in Los Angeles, Calif., 1970-12-28
Group portrait of street car men during strike in Los Angeles, Calif., 1934-11
Black Panther headquarters, Los Angeles (Calif.), 1969-12-09
Physically disabled protestors demonstrating for mandating chairlifts on transit buses in Los Angeles, Calif., 1985-10-07
People carrying signs on march commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Armenian Massacre, Los Angeles, Calif., 1980-04-24
Police officers on UCLA campus during anti-war protest, 1972-05-12
Aerial view of two buildings on fire on Avalon Blvd. between 107th and 108th street during Watts Riots, 1965-08-15
Members of the Jeannette Rankin Brigade demonstrating outside old State Building in Los Angeles, Calif., 1968-01-16
Man with banner reading "Justice Reparations Now!" during parade in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, Calif., 1982-04-19
Members of the Gay Liberation Front picketing a police station in Hollywood, Calif., 1972-01-23
Women pickets seated in jail after being arrested during film studio strike in Los Angeles, Calif., 1946-10-15
Police struggling with picketing CORE members in front of the Mayor's Office at Los Angeles City Hall, 1965-08-25
Activists trying to enter UCLA Medical School on World Day for Laboratory Animals, 1987-04-25
Red Car strikers in front of Pacific Electric building during strike in Los Angeles, Calif., 1929-10-24