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Los Angeles chapter of the Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC-LA)

Standing Rules (as amended June 2011)


Standing rules may be adopted, amended or deleted by a majority vote of the Executive Board or by a majority of the members present at a Membership Meeting.

STANDING RULE 1. PROCEDURE FOR ELECTIONS (Amended 1988, 1993, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2020)

1. LAUC-LA will conduct elections electronically. The LAUC-LA Executive Board will approve the online ballot platform.

2.  Each candidate shall submit brief biographical information to the LAUC-LA Secretary at least 45 days before the election. Candidates for Chair-Elect, Statewide Representative and Chair-Elect of CAPA shall also submit a Statement of Purpose. 

3. The LAUC-LA Secretary shall have the candidates' biographical information and Statements of Purpose placed on the LAUC-LA website, to be available no sooner than the day after the spring membership meeting.

4. At least five working days prior to the distribution of the ballots the LAUC-LA Secretary shall submit to the Chair of the Nominating and Election Committee the slate of candidates and the online address of the candidates' brief biographical information and Statements of Purpose from candidates for Chair-Elect, Statewide Representative and Chair-Elect of CAPA.

5. Voting will begin at least fourteen days before the date of any election. The chair of the Nominating and Election Committee shall send each LAUC-LA member an electronic mail message containing a link and instructions for casting a valid ballot to the online ballot site.

6.  All election ballots shall contain an alphabetical list of the candidates for any office or position to be filled. The ballot shall contain the online address of the candidates' brief biographical information and Statements of Purpose from candidates for Chair-Elect, Statewide Representative and Chair-Elect of CAPA.

7. On the next working day following the date of the election, the Nominating and Election Committee shall obtain the results directly from the provider of the balloting services.

8. Within five working days of the election, the Chair of the LAUC-LA Nominating and Election Committee shall submit in writing to the LAUC-LA Chair and the LAUC-LA Secretary the results of the election.

9. The Secretary of LAUC-LA shall submit all Statewide LAUC election results in writing to the Secretary of LAUC not more than 10 days following the date of the election.

10. Ballot information shall no longer be available to the Nominating and Election Committee from the service provider after 30 working days following the election.

11. If no candidate receives a majority of the valid votes cast for an office during an election, within 15 days of that election, the Executive Board shall direct the Nominating and Election Committee to hold a special run-off election for that office.

12. The Chair of LAUC-LA shall notify candidates of the results of regular and special elections.

13. The Secretary of LAUC-LA shall report the results to the membership not later than 20 days after the election or run-off election in the event of a tie.

Updated July 28, 2020