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Los Angeles chapter of the Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC-LA)

History and Purpose of LAUC

The Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC), founded in 1967, is a statewide organization of all librarians employed at least half time by the University. Membership is automatic and entails no dues. In 1971, after local chapters at each campus had worked for LAUC recognition, the Association was authorized to use the name of the University. In 1975 LAUC was formally recognized as an official unit of the University. The objectives of LAUC are: to advise the University on professional and governance matters, to make recommendations concerning UC librarian's rights, privileges, and obligations, and to promote full utilization of UC librarians' professional abilities. A comprehensive history of LAUC-LA is also available.


The LAUC statewide organization is composed of an Executive Board, including the President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, immediate Past president, and the chairs of the nine campus divisions. The officers of LAUC are elected by the membership. The President calls at least two assembly meetings per year to which each division sends a delegation in proportion to its membership. The assembly hears reports from the President and the chairs of committees, discusses current issues, and debates and votes on resolutions and committee recommendations.

LAUC at UCLA (LAUC-LA) is composed of an Executive Board, including the Chair, the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, immediate Past Chair, two representatives, and the chairs of four key LAUC-LA committees: the Committee on Appointments, Advancements, and Promotions (CAPA), the Committee on Library Plans and Policies, the Committee on Professional Governance, and the Committee on Research and Professional Development. The LAUC-LA officers and the representatives are elected by the membership. With the exception of the Chair of CAPA, which is an elected office, the LAUC-LA committee chairs are appointed by the Chair-Elect, in consultation with the outgoing Executive Board. Twice a year the Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and the two representatives attend the LAUC statewide assembly. With the assistance of the Executive Board, the current Chair appoints the members of all other LAUC-LA committees. Twice a year the Chair calls general membership meetings. The Executive Board meets regularly with the University Librarian as part of the Executive Board meetings. All members are welcome to attend Executive Board meetings.

Most of the work of LAUC is accomplished through local and statewide committees. Often, following discussion of an issue by a committee, a report containing findings and recommendations is forwarded by the LAUC-LA Executive Board to the University Librarian and the Vice Chancellors.

Academic Status

Librarians are academic appointees at the University of California. Academic status is the sum of the privileges, rights and responsibilities accorded to librarians as professional employees whose work is closely related to the teaching and research functions of the University. Self-governance, University support of professional development and discretionary use of time in the fulfillment of responsibilities are hallmarks of this status, based on academic traditions of autonomy and sustained professional growth. Academic status therefore includes but is not limited to: the freedom to perform a range of functions within the profession, a choice of avenues for professional development, performance evaluation based on activities relevant to the profession, review by one's peers and job security as stated in University policies and contracts.

See LAUC Position Paper 5: The Academic Librarian in the University of California