Critical Media Literacy

Engaging Media and Transforming Education

Institutes, Museums, Research Groups and More!

Action for the Climate Emergency, ACE. Nonprofit whose mission is to educate young people on the science of climate change and empower them to take action. Our Climate, Our Future (videos for teaching).

Arts & Ere. Explores the relationship of Arts Education and Environmental Education. (University of Quebec in Montreal)

Counterforce Lab. Research studio that harnesses the power of art and design to engage with the reality of global ecological crisis and its ties to environmental injustice, founded by UCLA professor Rebeca Méndez and part of UCLA's Design|Media Arts Department.

International Ecolinguistics Association, IEA. Network of 800 researchers worldwide who share ideas, opinions and articles about ecolinguistics: The role of language in the life-sustaining interactions of humans, other species and the physical environment. Official journal via open access, Language & Ecology

National Geographic: Resource Library. Geographic resources for teachers, Pre-K-12, from the National Geographic. With lesson plans, research, maps, a storehouse of 800+ available videos, and resource library units. See example: Anthropocene Resource Library.

National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration: Just for Kids. Site promoting resources for teaching children about the environment (tides, currents, space); NOAA is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

CIEL (Center for International Environmental Law)

Global South Climate Database (searchable database of scientists and experts in the fields of climate science, climate policy and energy. Set up by Carbon Brief with the support of the Reuters Institute's Oxford Climate Journalism Network)

Climate & Global Indigenous Affairs Desk (Non-profit independent media: Grist: Climate. Justice. Solutions.) 


Zabel, I. H. H., D. Duggan-Haas, & R.M. Ross, eds. (2017). The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change. Paleontological Research Institute.

This free PDF book offers the basics of climate change science and perspectives on teaching a subject that has become socially and politically polarized. Audience focus is teachers of high school Earth science and environmental science. Open access title.

Educating for the Anthropocene: Schooling and Activism in the Face of Slow Violence by Peter Sutoris (2022) MIT Press (Click here for free access).


The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies (2023) Edited by Antonio López, Adrian Ivakhiv, Stephen Rust, Miriam Tola, Alenda Y. Chang, and Kiu-wai Chu). Free open access to digital copies.

Ecomedialiteracy Recommended Readings (excellent list of readings curated by Antonio López)

Denial and Disinformation


Rights of Nature

Climate Change and Environmental Justice

The Honorable Harvest

The Honorable Harvest (Robin Wall Kimmerer, Bioneers,
YouTube, June 11, 2019, 3:30 mins)

Publications of All Kinds

Artist Redesigns National Parks Posters for 2050,
Showcasing Climate Devastation

(Nika Knight, Common Dreams, April 17, 2017)

STAND-LA Virtual Toxic Tour
A history of LA's urban oil drilling sites
and their impact on the children, families, and Angelenos
who live near them.

Teaching Climate Change
(American Educator, Winter, 2019-20).
Article series supporting educators teaching
bout climate change. 

Environmental Racism



Art as Environmental Activism

Ecomedia Footprint

Ecomedia by Aaron Kierbel
(2021, video, 2:30 mins.)

Metals in a smartphone

Collections: Blogs/Wikis, Courses, Lessons, Podcasts, Reports, TED Talks

Free Online Courses: 

  • Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions. Multifaceted education project initiated by the University of California with participation by all ten campuses of the UC system. Includes an online version of the course, an open-source digital textbook downloadable through the California Digital Library, and a massive open online course (MOOC).

  • Climate Change in Practice (UNESCO - APCEIU). Free, 4-week self-paced course featuring background knowledge on climate change, global efforts, and international agendas that are taking place to address the issue. 

  • Making Sense of Climate Change Denial. Recognize the social and psychological drivers of climate science denial, and better understand climate change. From The University of Queensland, Australia, via edX.  

  • The Stories We Live By: A Free Online Course in Ecolinguistics. Course examines a wide range of texts, from ads, lifestyle magazines and economics textbooks, to surfing guides, Native American sayings and Japanese animation. In each case, the question is whether the stories that underlie texts encourage us to care about people and the ecosystems that life depends on. By the University of Gloucestershire and the IEA.

  • Earth School (TED Ed and the UN Environment Programme collaborated to create these 30 quests about nature)

  • CLEAN, Committed to Climate and Energy Education

Bioneers, non-profit organization that creates media, podcasts, and holds an annual conference. 

  • Change Everything (The LEAP). Efforts to address climate change, racism, & other forms of inequality.

  • Climate Change (Reveal News). Series on the impact of climate change, U.S. and globally, emphasizing mass migration, food security, global conflicts.

  • Climate Front Lines (

  • Climate One podcasts (from the Commonwealth Club)

  • EcoJustice Radio (SoCal350 Climate Action)

  • A Sustainable Mind (Marjorie Alexander). Series investigating environmental campaigns and movements. 

  • Earthwatch (Since 1971) Connecting people with scientists through citizen science and community engagement.

  • Got Science? (Podcast by the Union of Concerned Scientists). This US non-profit began by scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

  • Drilled (A true-crime podcast about climate change, hosted and reported by award-winning investigative journalist Amy Westervelt).

  • The Repair (Scene on Radio series about the environmental crisis, Season 5 with 11 episodes, Producer John Biewen)

  • Green Teacher (discussions with environmental educators from around the globe)

  • Zero (Host: Akshat Rathi, Bloomberg Green's podcast on the future of zero emissions)

  • Tipping Point ("The Limits to Growth" -- the study, the backlash and its legacy)

  • ELA Superheroes podcast (California Environmental Literacy Initiative) 

  • Fuel to Fork (Exposing the fossil fuels in our foods, by IPES-Food, TABLE, and the Global Alliance for the Future of Food)

  • Boiling Point (Sammy Roth, Los Angeles Times podcast about climate change)


Check out the children's picture book:
The Birds and the Bees (UNDP, 2021).


Our Changing Climate

  • Our Changing Climate. Bi-weekly video essay series investigating humanity's relationship to the natural world. 

Weather Kids


BP brand attack
Rebrand Attack - Culture Jamming BP

Doctrine of Discovery