This Library Research Guide is intended as a starting place for researchers, pointing to resources and strategies for finding information about displacement and gentrification.
The Arsenal of Exclusion & Inclusion examines some of the policies, practices, and physical artifacts that have been used by planners, policymakers, developers, real estate brokers, community activists, and other urban actors in the United States to draw, erase, or redraw the lines that divide.
Callous Objects unearths cases in which cities push homeless people out of public spaces through a combination of policy and strategic design. Robert Rosenberger examines such commonplace devices as garbage cans, fences, signage, and benches--all of which reveal political agendas beneath the surface.
Life Between Buildings is Jan Gehl's classic text on the importance of designing urban public space with the fundamental desires of people as guiding principles. The book describes essential elements that contribute to people's enjoyment of spaces in the public realm. These elements remain remarkably constant even as architectural styles go in and out of fashion and the character of the 'life between buildings' changes"
An ArcGIS storymap by Jayla Sheffield about hostile architecture in Los Angeles. "How anti-homeless urban design creates a hostile environment not just for the homeless population, but for the whole community."