A gateway to academic libraries and other scholarly centers and library collections in France. The database includes records of dissertations (all sorts) produced in French institutions.
1. Go to
Sudoc, and click on the line ‘Sudoc – Catalogue.’
2. Go to Recherche avancée on the top menu (Advanced search).
3. Adjust the search criterium according to the information you know (‘Tous les mots,’ for instance, searches the entire record.) and type in your search terms.
4. Uncheck everything except Thèse under Type of publication.
5. Click on Recherche.
* and ? equally work for truncation.
You may try to find the dissertation at the
Foreign Doctoral Dissertations database of the Center of Research Libraries. If you do not find the title you want, please contact the person dealing with
publication requests at CRL. They will buy those dissertations that are not already held in their collection. You also need to fill out an
interlibrary loan request form in order to receive the dissertation at the circulation desk of a UCLA library.