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British Parliamentary Papers

British parliamentary sessional papers, debates, and other British documents.

Introduction to the Parliamentary Debates

The Debates are a record of what members have said. However, the Parliamentary Debates were not officially recorded verbatim until the year 1909. Therefore, the depth and accuracy of coverage of the debates varies according to the time period and source. The Parliamentary Debates are commonly referred to as the Hansard.

To locate them search our Library Catalog under:
Author: Great Britain. Parliament.
Title: Parliamentary debates.
Call Number: J301.H2

 The Parliamentary Debates until 1803

The Parliamentary Debates, 1803 - 1909

Continuing where Cobbett left off, Thomas Curson Hansard continued to publish the debates. The debates from this period of 1803 to 1909 are a mixture of full text of speeches and partial accounts to reports from first and third persons. Due to Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, the Parliamentary Debates are commonly known as Hansard.

The Charles E. Young Research Library stacks have print copies of the debates under call number J301.H2.

The Debates, 1909 to Present

Beginning in 1909, the Parliamentary Debates were published separately between the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Research Library Holdings by Format

1066-1803 digital, print Eighteenth Century Online
1803-1987 print YRL Stacks J301.H2
1988-present digital Hansard - Archive

Historical Debates of the Parliament of Canada 1867-1996