UC Library Search is the unified discovery and borrowing system for all 10 UC Campuses. Select the UCLA Library Catalog scope to search holdings of materials owned by the UCLA Library and other UCLA collections, whether online or in print. Does not contain full-text articles or article citations. Select the Articles, books and more scope to search for materials in all 10 UC campuses. More information in this guide.
Looking for articles in journals and magazines? The databases below can help you get started finding resources.
Full text of current issues (from about 1990) of scholarly journals published by university presses, chiefly in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Browsable by discipline and full-text searchable across all disciplines. UCLA has access to Muse e-books published from 2017-present, plus a selected number of other e-book titles.
Full text back issues of core scholarly journals, browsable and searchable across multiple disciplines. Coverage starts with first issue, with moving wall for most recent 3-5 years. UCLA has access to selected JSTOR e-books only. JSTOR also includes primary source collections, including images from Artstor.
Before you get started using any of the licensed resources from this guide (marked with a red lock icon), be sure you have set up the BOL Proxy Server or VPN client on your laptop or home computer! This will enable you do conduct research and access full-text articles, databases, and other resources from home. Students living on campus have automatic access, and do not need to set this up.
If you have technical issues setting up off site access, contact the Bruin Online Help Desk at 267-HELP (4357), Option 1, e-mail at consult@ucla.edu, or stop by the office at Kerckhoff Hall, Suite 124.