EndNote is a type of citation management software. It helps you to store and organize citations, and works with word processing software to format references and create bibliographies.
The software version of EndNote is available for use on the computers in the CLICC and TLC computer labs as well as on CLICC Laptops.
An online version is also available through the ISI Web of Knowledge Platform. Simply click on the MyEndNoteWeb link and create your own username and password combination to register.
Software copies that you can install on your personal machine can be purchased at the UCLA Computer Store in Ackermann Union.
The PDF files below will explain how to export citations from frequently used health and life sciences databases and import the citations into an EndNote library.
It is also possible to connect to and search UCLA-subscribed databases through the EndNote program's connection files. The Biomedical Library does not recommend this technique be used when conducting thorough literature searches. The number of results returned from connection files searches may vary from the number of results retrieved when searching a database directly.
This guide is maintained by librarians from the Research, Instruction, and Collection Services (RICS) division of the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library.
Research assistance in the health and life sciences is available at the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library.
See Reference and Research Help for complete reference service options.
The EndNote product web site includes training and support materials.