UCLA Biodesign Program Resources

This Guide was designed to support the research needs of the UCLA Biodesign Program Fellows, every Fall-Spring cohort

Company Screening by Size, Sales, Location

  • id="s-lg-content-16564291" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Nexis Uni: Company Dossier Search   class="s-lg-link-desc" id="s-lg-link-desc-16564291" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Specify company attributes, then click Create to see a list of companies that match your criteria.
  • id="s-lg-content-16564292" style="box-sizing: border-box;">PrivCo   class="s-lg-link-desc" id="s-lg-link-desc-16564292" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Financial data, revenues & added intelligence on privately-held companies, primarily U.S.-HQs. Data on private market investors, private M&A deals and deal multiples, PE deal history, private firm valuations, VC funding, breakdowns: Private, family, minority, and women ownership.

    Company Research

    Business Source Complete  
    Industry and company info, MarketLine reports with SWOT analyses.

    Capital IQ  
    Profiles and financial data for 2.8 million+ U.S. and intl public and private companies, investment firms, and hedge funds; relationships among firms and people, biographical/contact data, M&A activities, VC/PE data, securities data, regulatory filings, and corporate news. Requires account - Click MORE

    Expert reports by investment bank and brokerage house equity analysts along with independent consulting and company research firms, covering publicly-traded companies and their industries worldwide.

    Mergent Online  
    Current and historical (up to 30 years) balance sheet and income statement data, in As Reported, Restated, and Standardized data formats, for 15,000+ U.S. and 30,000+ international public companies.

    Company, financial, and industry info for 113 million global public and private firms, with MarketLine industry and company reports.

    Directory of multinational business contact info with Directory of American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries (U.S.-HQ multinationals) and Directory of Foreign Firms Operating in the United States (foreign-HQ multinationals).

    Strictly VC

  • id="s-lg-content-16564299" style="">Tech Coast Angels class="s-lg-link-desc" id="s-lg-link-desc-16564298" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: AkzidenzGrotesk, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">

    One of the largest and most active U.S. angel investment organizations, with 300 members in 5 regional networks. Members have diverse industry backgrounds and are entrepreneurs with start-up experience. Investments made in over 300 companies.

  • class="s-lg-link-desc" id="s-lg-link-desc-16564299" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: AkzidenzGrotesk, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">

    News Sources

    EMIS: Emerging Markets Information Service  
    Industry, company, and financial markets info and analysis plus business and legal news from 80 emerging markets throughout Asia, Europe, and Latin America.

    U.S. and international business and general news from 31,000+ sources (includes Barron's and The Wall Street Journal), spanning 26 languages and 200+ countries.

    Full-text news coverage of 1,500+ sources worldwide, including 650 in the U.S. (130+ are California newspapers, some not covered by Factiva or Nexis Uni).

    Nexis Uni  
    Mega-database of full-text news, business, financial, legal, medical and general sources.

    ProQuest News & Newspapers  
    News articles from 17 current and historical newspapers (Los Angeles TimesWall Street JournalNew York Times, and others) licensed by UCLA from ProQuest.

    Regional Business News  
    Over 80 business journals, newspapers, and newswires for all metropolitan and rural areas in the USA. An EBSCO database.

    Mergers and Acquisitions, PE/VC

  • id="s-lg-content-16564294" style="box-sizing: border-box;">CB Insights   class="s-lg-link-desc" id="s-lg-link-desc-16564294" style="box-sizing: border-box;">PE, VC, and angel investment database with historical and daily real-time info about VC- and angel investor-backed startup companies, VC companies, angel investors and their interests, private company financing deals, incubators, related M&A transactions, in USA and abroad. Subscription limits - Cick MORE.
  • id="s-lg-content-16564297" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Mergermarket   class="s-lg-link-desc" id="s-lg-link-desc-16564297" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Proprietary intelligence service with financial data about M&A deals worldwide plus narrative reports and analyses associated with the deals.
  • id="s-lg-content-16564298" style="box-sizing: border-box;">PrivCo   class="s-lg-link-desc" id="s-lg-link-desc-16564298" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Financial data, revenues & additional intelligence on privately-held companies, primarily U.S.-HQs. Data on private market investors, private M&A deals and deal multiples, private firm valuations, PE deal history, VC funding, breakdowns: Private, family, minority, and women ownership.
  • id="s-lg-content-16564299" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Zephyr   class="s-lg-link-desc" id="s-lg-link-desc-16564299" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Comprehensive database of current, future, rumored, and historical corporate deals: Mergers & acquisitions, initial public offerings, joint ventures, and private equity/venture capital deals.