Business Source Complete |
Capital IQ |
Investext |
Mergent Online |
Uniworld |
World’s most comprehensive dataset of start-up activity, CrunchBase has 650k profiles of people, companies; maintained by contributors. CrunchBase began in 2007 as a simple, crowdsourced database to track start-ups covered on TechCrunch. Note: UCLA holds no CrunchBase Pro subscription.
National Venture Capital Association, NVCA.
Research resources of VC investment in the USA, quarterly reports and annual yearbook, broken down by sector.
PWC MoneyTree.
VC deals database for the USA, with investments and deals info, 1995-present, by sector, industry, stage and state. Free reg to access reports + data: Explore the Data.
One of the largest and most active U.S. angel investment organizations, with 300 members in 5 regional networks. Members have diverse industry backgrounds and are entrepreneurs with start-up experience. Investments made in over 300 companies.
EMIS: Emerging Markets Information Service |
Factiva |
Newsbank |
Nexis Uni |
ProQuest News & Newspapers |
Regional Business News Over 80 business journals, newspapers, and newswires for all metropolitan and rural areas in the USA. An EBSCO database. |