UCLA Biodesign Program Resources

This Guide was designed to support the research needs of the UCLA Biodesign Program Fellows, every Fall-Spring cohort

Online Guides To Use the Chicago Style Manual

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017), is a useful guide for UCLA Anderson students to cite sources they use in course projects. Please refer to the Documentary-Note format provided in the Manual.

Consult the online examples below for more info or contact a Business Research Librarian for further assistance.

Online Citation Wizards

UCLA subscription, allows you to import citations from websites and databases, store them, then export citations in Chicago citation style. Requires account creation with Clarivate Analytics.

Select "Chicago" and populate with citation elements to cite sources for your Bibliography (only). Does NOT generate Notes citations. BOTH Notes and Bibliography listings are needed for project work!

Free citation and paper management tool with up to 2 GB of cloud storage, and at-cost storage plans for over 2GB. Mendeley's desktop app, mobile app, and Chrome browser extension enable use across multiple devices. It has a strong web platform, user support, and user guides, including Reference Manager.

NoodleTools Express.
NoodleTools provides both the Notes form of your citation and the Bibliography form!

Input your citation style, then scoop up document pages or identifiers to form your citation list.  Fast and easy, no account necessary!