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Best Practices for LibGuides at UCLA

Suggestions and guidelines for using LibGuides to best effect in the UCLA Library.

Box Types

Box Titles

The usual rules apply for box titles. Keep it short, keep it simple. If your box title runs to two lines, then it's probably too long.

One extra note. Don't put a title on the text inside your box. Your box already has a title, it doesn't need two!

LibGuides 2 has only a few basic box types. However, there are a lot of content types you can put into those boxes.

Standard Boxes is what you'll use 90% of the time. They can contain any content.

Tabbed Boxes are basically multiple standard boxes stacked on top of each other. Note: Tabbed boxes can be used as a way of collapsing similar boxes on a page that would otherwise have too many boxes. They should be used sparingly and only for non-primary content. Do not use tabs in the top box of a page, especially if that's the only box. All that does is re-create the old tabbed navigation!

Gallery Boxes contain rotating image galleries. The only thing you can put in them are pictures with captions.

Profile Boxes are the standard LibGuide author profiles. When you add a profile box to a guide, it defaults to the guide owner, but you can then change it. Each LibGuide author controls what's in their profile... you just pick whose profile gets shown.

Content Types

Each box is filled with content types. Using the correct content type is important to good design and long-term maintenance of your guides!

A few comments on our usage:

  • Use Database for anything in the A-Z List. Only use Links for things not on the list.
  • Whenever possible, re-use existing links rather than creating new ones. See Shared Content.
  • Only use Book from the Catalog if you plan on including cover art. If there's no art, just use a regular bulleted Link.