Coverage of the people, issues and events that shaped the continent during the 19th and early 20th centuries. From Algeria to Angola, Zambia to Zimbabwe, this resource chronicles the evolution of Africa through eyewitness reporting, editorials, legislative information, letters, poetry, advertisements, obituaries and other items.
African Newspapers: The British Library Collection features 64 newspapers from throughout Africa, all published before 1901. Originally archived by the British Library.
GPA encompasses newspapers in more than 30 languages and will ultimately include titles from over 125 countries. Wherever possible, titles are presented in their complete runs from the first issue.
The GPA CRL collections include the following eight open access collections: Imperial Russian Newspapers; Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers; Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers; Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers; Southeast Asian Newspapers; South Asian Newspapers; El Mundo Digital Archive; Daily Observer Digital Archive. The GPA CRL collections also include the following six CRL-wide member collections with access restricted to UCLA: Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers Premium (5 additional in-copyright titles); El Caribe Digital Archive; East African Newspapers; Post-Perestroika Newspapers; Local and Independent Ukrainian Newspapers; Soviet-Era Ukrainian Newspapers.
Open Access collection of newspapers produced by people who have been incarcerated. Includes two of the first prison publications, Forlorn Hope and Supporter, with more than 350 titles identified for inclusion.
Previously titled Accessible Archives Complete. UCLA's access to historical sources includes 19th-century African American Newspapers (The Christian Recorder, The Colored American, Frederick Douglass Paper, Freedom's Journal, The National Era, The North Star, Provincial Freeman, Weekly Advocate); Godey's Lady's Book (pt.2-3); The Pennsylvania Genealogical Catalog; and Pennsylvania Newspaper Record.
Full text of more than 1000 open access alternative publications from the 1960s-1980s covering feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Latinos, LGBTQ+ activists, and more.
Searches all ProQuest newspapers to which UCLA subscribes, both current and historical newspapers from major U.S. cities (Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal), international news sources, and alternative press.
Full page and article images with searchable full text of the Sacramento Bee from 1857 - current.
Full page and article images with searchable full text of the San Francisco Chronicle from 1865 - current.
Full text collection of leading Hispanic newspapers, news wires, websites, and blogs from US publishers in Spanish or English. Includes full contents of U.S. Hispanic Newsstand.
Compiles archival collections housed across the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Content ranges from zines, newspapers and ephemera, to oral histories, films and photographs. Grassroots materials produced by left-wing organizations and underrepresented groups are presented alongside government records and mainstream media to showcase the key social, cultural, and political concerns of the decade.
GPA encompasses newspapers in more than 30 languages and will ultimately include titles from over 125 countries. Wherever possible, titles are presented in their complete runs from the first issue.
The GPA CRL collections include the following eight open access collections: Imperial Russian Newspapers; Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers; Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers; Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers; Southeast Asian Newspapers; South Asian Newspapers; El Mundo Digital Archive; Daily Observer Digital Archive. The GPA CRL collections also include the following six CRL-wide member collections with access restricted to UCLA: Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers Premium (5 additional in-copyright titles); El Caribe Digital Archive; East African Newspapers; Post-Perestroika Newspapers; Local and Independent Ukrainian Newspapers; Soviet-Era Ukrainian Newspapers.
Journals and newspapers from former Soviet republics. The database consists of titles from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
GPA encompasses newspapers in more than 30 languages and will ultimately include titles from over 125 countries. Wherever possible, titles are presented in their complete runs from the first issue.
The GPA CRL collections include the following eight open access collections: Imperial Russian Newspapers; Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers; Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers; Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers; Southeast Asian Newspapers; South Asian Newspapers; El Mundo Digital Archive; Daily Observer Digital Archive. The GPA CRL collections also include the following six CRL-wide member collections with access restricted to UCLA: Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers Premium (5 additional in-copyright titles); El Caribe Digital Archive; East African Newspapers; Post-Perestroika Newspapers; Local and Independent Ukrainian Newspapers; Soviet-Era Ukrainian Newspapers.
More than 35 fully searchable newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, and elsewhere. Latin American Newspapers offers unprecedented coverage of the people, issues, and events that shaped this vital region between 1805 and 1922.
Full text of Asahi shinbun 朝日新聞 (1879-present). Includes full images of Asashi shinbun shukusatsuban 朝日新聞縮刷版 (1879-1989), Asahi gurafu アサヒグラフ (1923-1956) and Asahi shinbun rekishi shashin ākaibu 朝日新聞歴史写真アーカイブ, a historical photo archive (1928-1944). Database should open with a prompt to "Login." Click "Login" to access the database. Please note that the UC license allows two simultaneous users shared among seven campuses. Please logout after use.
Searchable databases of Choson Daily Newspaper PDF archives from its first issue in 1920 to the present. It includes more than 2,600,000 articles and is searchable by journalist or content type.
GPA encompasses newspapers in more than 30 languages and will ultimately include titles from over 125 countries. Wherever possible, titles are presented in their complete runs from the first issue.
The GPA CRL collections include the following eight open access collections: Imperial Russian Newspapers; Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers; Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers; Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers; Southeast Asian Newspapers; South Asian Newspapers; El Mundo Digital Archive; Daily Observer Digital Archive. The GPA CRL collections also include the following six CRL-wide member collections with access restricted to UCLA: Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers Premium (5 additional in-copyright titles); El Caribe Digital Archive; East African Newspapers; Post-Perestroika Newspapers; Local and Independent Ukrainian Newspapers; Soviet-Era Ukrainian Newspapers.
Udndata, an article-specific database was established by UDN Online in February 2001 to provide news articles from five major newspapers published by the United Daily News Group. The newspapers include United daily news, Min sheng daily, United evening news, Economic daily news, and Star news. Also included are several news magazines such as Global view monthly and some Chinese newspapers published outside Taiwan.
Full page and article images with searchable full text from November 1950 to 2016.
Provides full-text articles from 759 newspapers and other media sources from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other regions. About two thirds of the titles are in Chinese and one third is in English.
Contains full runs of influential national and regional newspapers representing different political and cultural segments of British society from the 18th-20th century. UCLA has access to parts 1-5.
Full-text access to digital facsimiles of the British Library's collection of the newspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817), the largest and most comprehensive collection of early English news media.
Includes full text and page images of the entire newspaper, including articles, editorials, advertising and images (excluding the Sunday Times) for 1785-2019.
Compiles archival collections housed across the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Content ranges from zines, newspapers and ephemera, to oral histories, films and photographs. Grassroots materials produced by left-wing organizations and underrepresented groups are presented alongside government records and mainstream media to showcase the key social, cultural, and political concerns of the decade.
GPA encompasses newspapers in more than 30 languages and will ultimately include titles from over 125 countries. Wherever possible, titles are presented in their complete runs from the first issue.
The GPA CRL collections include the following eight open access collections: Imperial Russian Newspapers; Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers; Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers; Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers; Southeast Asian Newspapers; South Asian Newspapers; El Mundo Digital Archive; Daily Observer Digital Archive. The GPA CRL collections also include the following six CRL-wide member collections with access restricted to UCLA: Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers Premium (5 additional in-copyright titles); El Caribe Digital Archive; East African Newspapers; Post-Perestroika Newspapers; Local and Independent Ukrainian Newspapers; Soviet-Era Ukrainian Newspapers.
GPA encompasses newspapers in more than 30 languages and will ultimately include titles from over 125 countries. Wherever possible, titles are presented in their complete runs from the first issue.
The GPA CRL collections include the following eight open access collections: Imperial Russian Newspapers; Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers; Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers; Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers; Southeast Asian Newspapers; South Asian Newspapers; El Mundo Digital Archive; Daily Observer Digital Archive. The GPA CRL collections also include the following six CRL-wide member collections with access restricted to UCLA: Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers Premium (5 additional in-copyright titles); El Caribe Digital Archive; East African Newspapers; Post-Perestroika Newspapers; Local and Independent Ukrainian Newspapers; Soviet-Era Ukrainian Newspapers.
Complete issues of the widely circulated English daily newspaper, 1838-2011.
Openly accessible, hosted by JSTOR, and developed by the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) and partner institutions. Collection of historical and contemporary primary sources in the arts, humanities and social sciences from and about South Asia.
Many database vendors allow researchers to search across multiple databases at once, allowing cross-searching of different newspaper sets and other primary source materials.
Searches all ProQuest newspapers to which UCLA subscribes, both current and historical newspapers from major U.S. cities (Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal), international news sources, and alternative press.
UCLA subscribes to selected AM (formerly Adam Matthew) databases comprised of digitized archival material and primary sources. You can use AM Search to search across all of them. UCLA has access to licensed AM content published through 2024. Formerly known as Adam Matthew Archive Explorer.