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Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in Library Special Collections

Western European medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the UCLA Library Special Collections

Introduction to the Bound Manuscripts Collection [LSC.170]

The Bound Manuscripts Collection (LSC.0170) consists of over 900 bound manuscripts ranging in dates from the 7th to the 21st centuries, and includes an array of topics and genres. The collection includes original and personal materials such as commonplace books, journals, albums, legal documents and maps such as early California rancho maps and plans, original literary manuscripts, Persian and Arabic manuscripts, a papyrus fragment from the 7th century, and nearly 200 Western European manuscripts. This research guide covers only the Western European medieval and Renaissance materials contained within the Bound Manuscripts Collection--those written before 1600

The collection consists of approximately 200 medieval and Renaissance bound manuscripts, and also includes leaves, documents and charters. 

A group of leaves was acquired by the UCLA Library Special Collections in 1962 and given a catalog number associating it with the Bound Manuscripts Collection: ***170/403 The Bernard M. Rosenthal Collection of Medieval Manuscript Leaves, IX-XV. The leaves are housed in large binders (*** indicating triple oversize) and sleeved for ease and safety of handling, and are used heavily for teaching and research purposes. 

The leaves are described on a separate box from the bound manuscripts in this research guide.

Bound Manuscripts Collection Gallery

Bound Manuscripts Collection (Collection #170)

Approximately 180 bound manuscripts, leaves and bifolia.*

Origins: Western Europe

Bulk Dates: 12th - 17th centuries

Descriptions (unpublished) by Richard and Mary Rouse (PDF)

*NOTE: 170/403, individual leaves and bifolia in ten binders, compiled by Bernard Rosenthal, organized by geographic origin. 

Rosenthal Leaves [***170/403]

Bernard M. Rosenthal Collection of Medieval Manuscript Leaves, IX-XV

The Rosenthal Collection of Medieval Manuscript Leaves, IX-XV contains 134 items, including bifolia, leaves, and fragments of leaves, housed in 10 oversized ring binders.  One item is in Arabic script, 2 in Greek script, 2 in Hebrew script, and 129 in Latin script. This catalog describes only those items in Latin script.  

Vol. 1 Italy (s. IX-XI)  
Vol. 2 Italy (s. XII)  
Vol. 3 Italy (s. XIII)  
Vol. 4 Italy (s. XIV)  
Vol. 5 Italy (s. XV)  
Vol. 6 France (s. XI-XIII)  
Vol. 7 France (s. XIV-XV)  
Vol. 8 England & Spain  
Vol. 9 Germany  
Vol. 10 Greek & Hebrew

When acquired by Library Special Collections in 1962, this collection of leaves was given a catalog number associating it with the Bound Manuscripts Collection  [LSC.0170]. University of California Los  Angeles. (Los Angeles 1991). 

Additional leaves held in the UCLA Library Special Collections are also described in this research guide, located primarily in the Richard and Mary Rouse Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (LSC.0360), and some additional leaves in the Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection (LSC.0100).  

A link to the digitized leaves on the UCLA Digital Library site is provided, with leaves organized in shelf number order. To view the titles of the  individual leaves on the UCLA Digital Library, click on “Gallery View”.