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In January 2013, Chancellor Gene Block launched the UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI). Envisioned and supported by Jane and Terry Semel, the Healthy Campus Initiative prioritizes the health and wellness of students, staff, and faculty. It is a campus-wide effort to draw upon UCLA’s world/renowned research and teaching, to find new and innovative ways to promote healthy living on the UCLA campus, and to share that education and research with other communities, locally and beyond. The multi/pronged program is rooted in UCLA's long term commitment to fostering a culture of mental and physical health and wellness.
The motto of the Healthy Campus Initiative is "to make the healthy choice the easy choice", and its logo uses the theme Live Well. There are five major thematic groups, called "pods": Eat Well, Mind Well, Move Well, BE Well, and Breathe Well. The Research Well pod is designed to assess and evaluate HCI programs.
One of the ways HCI engages students is by funding student projects that support HCI's goals. The UCLA Library developed this resource guide to help students identify information resources to support their activities and funded projects. We have included materials designed for the general public as well as sources for evidence-based research.
More information about UCLA's Healthy Campus Initiative is available at