Search the UCLA Library Catalog under the following Subject Headings to locate sources related to game design, games, and gaming:
Animation (Cinematography)
Board games
Card games
Cinematography --Special effects
Computer animation
Computer art
Computer games
Computer games --Design
Computer games --Programming
Computer graphics
Digital media --Design
Dice games
Digital art
Digital media
Educational games
Electronic games
Fantasy in art
Fantasy games
Graphical user interface
Human-computer interaction
Indoor games
Interactive multimedia
Internet games
Motion --Computer simulation
Multimedia systems --Design
Role playing
Television game shows
Television quiz shows
Video game characters
Video game characters --Design
Video game music
Video games
Video games --Authorship
Video games --Design
Video games for women
Video games in art
Video games industry
Virtual reality
Also try searching for specific games by name, followed by (Game), e.g.:
Monopoly (Game)
Dungeons and Dragons (Game)