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Articles, Books and . . . ? Understanding the Many Types of Information Found in Libraries

Photos and Images

Most images are published inside one of the text-based content types discussed on earlier pages. Generally, to find a photo or drawing of a person, place, or event, look for books and articles about that person, place, or event.

The guides below provide more detail about searching photo archives or specialized image types.

Audio and Video

Use the following guides to find audio and video recordings.

Sheet Music and Scores


Many statistical tables and charts can be found inside one of the text-based content types discussed on earlier pages. Search for books and articles about a topic to find related statistics. Reference books can be especially useful sources for many common statistics.

The guides below provide more detail about searching dedicated statistical sources or large statistical databases.

Maps and Geospatial Data

As with other images, don't forget to look inside books and articles about a place or event to find related maps. Plus, an entire sub-category of reference sources (atlases) is devoted to maps.