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Society and Genetics

EndNote Basic

EndNote Basic, also called EndNote Online or EndNote Web, is available for free to current UCLA students, faculty, and staff.

This is a very brief guide to help you get started collecting citations for your EndNote Basic library. There is much more extensive help on the EndNote Web page.

Collect Citations

Collect references from electronic and traditional sources in four ways:

Search online databases from EndNote Basic

(Only works with library catalogs, not most licensed databases, except for Project MUSE and the Web of Science)

  1. Connect to desired database from the Collect Tab/Online Search.
  2. Do search.
  3. Mark/Select records of interest on page.
  4. Check “Selected records on page” or range of records to output.
  5. Select “Full Record” or “Full Record + Cited Refs” from the drop down menu.
  6. Add to an existing group, the Unfiled group, or create a new group)

Search online databases and export the citations directly into EndNote Basic

(Works with ProQuest databases)

  1. Connect to desired database from the UCLA Library webpage.
  2. Do search.
  3. Mark/Select records of interest.
  4. Check “Selected records on page” or range of records to output.
  5. If there is a link Save to EndNote Online or instructions to download directly to EndNote Web click the appropriate button.
  6. Records will be added to Unfiled folder and can be moved into other folders/groups.

Import references saved from an online database search

(Search licensed database, save citations as text files, and import into EndNote Online using Import Filters)
NOTE: Connections to online databases through EndNote Basic originate from the EndNote Basic server rather than your connection, so IP authentication or proxy authentication will not take place, and a username and password may be required by the online database. In these cases, do search in the desired database (e.g., WorldCat, PsycINFO, etc.), save the desired records in a .txt or .ris (for ProQuest databases) file to your computer (the DESKTOP is a good place since it is easy to find the file and it can be deleted once the records have been imported).

  1. From the Collect tab, click the Import link.
  2. For the File field, click the Browse button to find and select the file containing reference data.
  3. For the Filter field, select the import filter that matches the reference data format. See Import Filter Favorites to customize this list.
  4. Click the Import button.

Enter records manually

(The most labor intensive method)

  1. From the Collect Tab, click the New Reference link.
  2. Change the Reference Type by selecting the appropriate type from the Reference Type drop-down list box (see Reference Types for more information). The page will redisplay with the appropriate fields for that reference type.
  3. Enter the bibliographic data in each of the fields in the reference. Reference fields most commonly required for a properly formatted citation and bibliography are in the Bibliographic fields section.
  4. Check the appropriate groups for the new reference.
  5. Click the Save button.