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Cluster 27: Global Islam

This is the Cluster 27: Global Islam Research Guide. This guide provides helpful tips and resources for exploring Islam as a global religion and cultural tradition.

Major Newspapers Online

The UCLA Library does not subscribe directly to,, or most other newspaper websites. Instead we subscribe to third-party newspaper databases which license the articles from the newspaper publishers. These archives cover long time periods, provide advanced search features typically available in academic databases, and don't have pop-up ads (though they often index the ads present in the print newspapers, allowing you to search them). Current archives are usually updated daily.

On the down side, newspaper database archives are primarily about storing text and (sometimes) images. They usually don't contain videos or interactive features available on the original news sites, or web-exclusive content.

Online News Collections

See also Historical Newspapers tab for more online news archives. 

Print Newspapers in the UCLA Library

Current Daily Newspapers

Recent print editions of major world and Los Angeles area newspapers are shelved in the Charles E. Young Research Library A-Level Garden Commons. Check the UCLA Library Catalog for specific titles. Most paper issues are kept for only a month or two before being replaced with microfilm.

Older Daily Newspapers

To find newspaper titles in the UCLA Library, search the UCLA Library Catalog for the name of the newpaper (e.g., Sacramento Bee) within Journal Title (Start of). Some titles will be on microfilm and some will have links to online resources.

Finding Newspapers by City of Publication

The UCLA Library has many newspapers in its collections that have not been digitized. They are not easily searchable in the UCLA Library Catalog if you do not know the title of the newspaper. If you are looking for newspapers from a specific city, you can search WorldCat through the FirstSearch interface and limit to newspapers in the UCLA Library. The search strategy to use is:

  1. Enter the city (e.g., cairo) in the search box and select Publisher location from the drop-down menu.
  2. Limit the search to  Serial Publications
  3. Limit availability to
  4. Do the search, then select the Subtype Newspapers.

The results will be a list of newspapers from the publisher location searched.

News Digests

Several reference sources provide concise summaries of news and current events from around the world, drawing upon hundreds of news publications. Earlier years of these titles are available in print.

Connecting from Off-Campus: VPN and Proxy Tutorials

The Library's online subscription resources can always be accessed from computers and wireless networks on campus. However, off-campus access is restricted to current UCLA, students, faculty, and staff who have set up their computer using one of the methods below. Click on the other tabs to see how four Bruins got their computers set up and ready to go for remote access!

If you still need help, you can contact the UCLA IT Support Center at (310) 267-4357 or They provide 24/7 phone support.

VPN on Mac with Natalie

"I chose VPN for my mac because I need to be able to access the full text of articles on different browsers." - Natalie, Environmental Science

Download a UCLA VPN 

VPN on Windows with Michael

"I chose VPN because I like the security it provides and the control it gives me as a user to manually enable or disable it when I'm browsing online." - Michael, Public Affairs

Download a UCLA VPN

VPN on Chromebook with Nadia

"I chose VPN because it is really simple to use!" - Nadia, Public Affairs

Download a UCLA VPN

Proxy on Mac with Kate

"I chose Proxy because I prefer logging in through a web browser without having to download any software on my computer." - Kate, Ethnic Studies

Proxy Server