Design manuals have been published for specific building types as well as focusing on topics such as sustainable design. The following is a selection of more recent design manuals:
Once you've identified architects, firms, or architecture schools doing interesting work with building envelopes, remember to search for recent books about their work! E.g.:
Search the UCLA Library Catalog under the following Subject Headings to locate additional sources:
Air-supported structures
Architecture and climate
Architecture and energy conservation
Architecture and solar radiation
Buildings --Energy conservation
Buildings --Environmental engineering
Buildings --Thermal properties
Cable structures
Curtain walls
Dwellings --Energy conservation
Exterior Walls
Facades --Design and Construction
Flat roofs
Green roofs
Interior Walls
Lightweight construction
Retractable roofs
Roofs --Design and Construction
Roofs, Fabric
Roofs, Shells
Roofs, Suspension
Shells (Engineering)
Space frame structures
Sustainable architecture
Sustainable buildings --Design and construction
Sustainable construction
Sustainable design
Structural frames
Tensile architecture
Walls--Design and Construction
Design manuals have been published for specific building types as well as focusing on topics such as sustainable design. The following is a selection of more recent design manuals: