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Environment 188B: Grand Challenges Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

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Welcome to the library guide for ENV 188B: Grand Challenges Undergraduate Research Scholars Program!

Search Tips and Strategies

Youtube video: Mapping Your Research Ideas

YouTube video: Crafting a Savvy Search Strategy

Drawing showing multiple perspectives

1. Map out your research questions.

Turn your ideas for research projects into questions.

2. Craft a savvy search.

Generate a diverse set of keywords and take advantage of search filters to generate more effective article searches.

3. Seek out diverse perspectives on your topic.

Look for articles that address your research interests from multiple perspectives. Improve your search by using a variety of keywords and multiple databases.


The Library's online subscription resources can always be accessed from computers and wireless networks on campus. However, off-campus access is restricted to current UCLA, students, faculty, and staff who have set up their computer using one of the following methods.

Citation - A brief introduction

Formatted Files Formatted Files

1. Why cite?

Watch this quick video for an overview of why citation really matters.

2. Determine your citation style.

Check out the submission guidelines or assignment prompt to determine the proper citation style. When in doubt, ask a researcher in the field, the instructor, or a librarian for help.

3. Use a citation tool.

Check out ZoteroEndnote, or Mendeley to keep track of your articles and create citations. You can also use the citation tools in many databases. Check out our guide to citing sources for more information.


Related Subject Guides

These guides will have more detailed information about discipline-specific databases and other resources.

Also see the UCLA  Law Library's research guides, including the Environmental Law section of their 'Secondary & Practice Guides.'

Citing and Citation Styles
