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EndNote and EndNote Basic

UC Library Search Export

Export a single reference:
    •    Search UC Library Search for the item
    •    In the item level record, select "Export RIS"
    •    If it doesn't open automatically, open the RIS file
    •    EndNote should automatically import your reference
    •    If prompted select your EndNote library

Export multiple references:
    •    Search UC Library Search for items on your topic
    •    Click the empty box icon next to records you want to select and export
    •    At the top of the results screen, where it says "You have selected n records," click on the ellipsis (...)
    •    Select "Export RIS"
    •    If it doesn't open automatically, open the RIS file
    •    EndNote should automatically import your references
    •    If prompted select your EndNote library

To export your items to EndNote basic (web), follow the instructions above but choose the EndNote Basic option instead of Export RIS.

Online Search

Many freely available online databases can be searched using EndNote's Online Search feature:

Library of Congress Online Catalog

  • From the 'Tools' menu choose 'Online Search'
  • Select 'Library of Congress' from the list of connection files and click 'Choose'
  • Search for books on your topic
  • Click 'OK' to retrieve references from the 'Confirm Online Search' box


  • From the 'Tools' menu choose 'Online Search'
  • Select 'PubMed (NLM)' from the list of connection files and click 'Choose'
  • Search for articles on your topic
  • Click 'OK' to retrieve references from the 'Confirm Online Search' box