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Study of Religion

What Are Reference Sources?

Reference sources are authoritative works that you can refer to for quick information. They may contain specific information or introductory articles. Types of reference sources include encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, handbooks, atlases, bibliographies, and so on.

This page includes religion encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks.

Specific Oxford Reference Sources


Unless otherwise indicated (by a key icon) these selected religion dictionaries are available in print only. Click on the title to get to the catalog record. To find more topical dictionaries, search for "Religions--Encyclopedias" as a subject list in the UC Library Search Catalog's Advanced Search.


Unless otherwise indicated (by a key icon)  these selected religion handbooks are available in print only. Click on the title to get to the catalog record. To find more handbooks, search for "religion handbook?" as keyword in the UCLA Library catalog.


Unless otherwise stated, these selected general religion encyclopedias are available in print only. Click on the title to get to the catalog record. To find more encyclopedias, search for "religion encyclopedia?" or "[specific religion or sect] encyclopedia?" as keyword in UC Library Search.