Most data sources have statistics by city. (In the Census, cities are called "places".) However, if your community is an unincorporated area or a neighborhood within a larger city, then you'll have to define it by adding up smaller geographic areas such as zip codes or census tracts. In Los Angeles, many of the commonly-used neighborhood names have no official boundaries or conflicting definitions. In those cases it's up to you to decide which zip codes or tracts fall within your community, and how to handle zip codes or tracts which are only partially inside your community's boundaries.
In order to use most of the resources listed in this guide, you must have an address and zip code, as they use mapping software or GIS to display information
The first step is to define your neighborhood geographically. Municipalities may include maps or boundaries of neighboroods.
When you are in the Census Bureau map site identifying census tracts for your neighborhood, click on the Boundaries and Features option on the right and limit the boundary to census tracts first. Change to block groups if you need to get more specific.