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Course Reading List (Leganto) in Bruin Learn

Using the product Leganto, UCLA course instructors can create reading lists in the campus learning management system, Bruin Learn (Canvas). Use this guide to learn more about creating and managing reading lists in Bruin Learn.


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Emilie Eshbaugh

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Leganto?

Leganto is a product from Ex Libris/Clarivate that allows UCLA instructors to compile lists of materials for their courses and submit these lists to the Library for course reserves. These lists are then shared directly through the Bruin Learn course site for easy student and instructor access.


What is the "Course Reading List" tool?

This is the name we've given the Bruin Learn/Canvas integration dedicated to Leganto. In your Bruin Learn course site, Leganto will appear as "Course Reading List."


How do I add the Course Reading List tool to my course navigation?

See Creating Your Reading List for details.


What types of materials can I add to my Course Reading List?

Materials can include books (print and electronic), articles, videos, audio recordings, and other media. These resources may be owned by the Library, sourced from online, or may be materials of the instructor's creation.


Who can edit my Course Reading List?

Instructors, library staff, course designers, and teaching assistants should all have privileges. If there is someone on your teaching team who is not able to edit the Course Reading List tool, please use the contact information on the left-hand side of this page to notify us. Include your course name and number and role of the person who is unable to edit. 


What are Course Reserves?

Course Reserves are materials that an instructor of a course has requested to be made available to their students via the Library. These materials can be print books, ebooks, course readers, and select video and audio resources. Course Reserves are available at no cost to students or instructors. Please see Making Course Reserves Requests for more details.


Do I have to use Leganto to make course reserves requests?

Yes, starting Winter Quarter 2024. Fall Quarter 2023 will serve as a transition quarter where instructors will still be permitted to submit course reserve requests through the online form, but will have the option to try out Leganto if they choose. Starting with Winter Quarter 2024's requests, all instructors will be required to use Leganto for course reserves requests.


How do I use Leganto to submit course reserve requests?

See Getting Started and Making Course Reserves Requests for details.


What if the Library doesn't have the book I'm using for my class?

You can submit a purchase request (see: Making Purchase Requests). Purchase requests can take 4-6 weeks to be fulfilled.

You can also bring in your own personal copy of the text to be circulated at the library for the duration of the quarter and returned to you once the quarter ends (see: Requesting Circulation of a Personal Copy or Course Reader).

You may submit both a purchase request and a personal copy for the same title if you wish.

Purchase requests and personal copies are only available for reading lists that are submitted to the library for Course Reserves.


How do I know which library my requested items will be available at?

E-resources and file uploads can be accessed directly from the reading list. For physical items, location information will be available within each item's details in the reading list.


Can I bring in my own copy of the course text(s)? What about course readers?

Yes, you may bring in your own copies of the text(s) you're using for your course. You may also bring in course readers.

Both personal copies and course readers will need to be listed in your Leganto reading list before you bring them into the library. See Requesting Circulation of a Personal Copy or Course Reader for more instructions.

Powell Library acts as a central drop-off/pick-up location for personal copies and course readers, but your copy may be circulated at a different library depending on your course's subject and other course materials.


How do electronic reserves work?

Electronic reserves are licensed ebook versions of requested course texts. They are accessible directly through the Leganto reading list and through UC Library Search. These materials do not have loan periods enforced by the Library, but may have user access limits enforced by the license/publisher. Students must be either on campus or actively connected to the campus VPN in order to access electronic reserves.

When adding resources to your reading list, you will be able to see if an item is available in print, electronic, or both editions. See Adding Items to Your Reading List for more details.


How do audio/video reserves work?

UCLA's Music Library provides audio and video reserves for Music courses. The Library ONLY accepts audio and video reserve requests for courses within the School of Music and select other courses with a strong Music component. All other audio and video reserve requests should be directed to the Instructional Media Collections and Services.

See Requesting Audio/Video Reserves for more details.


I have a question or concern, who should I notify?

For help with Bruin Learn, please contact For questions about Course Reserves, contact college-reserves@library.ucla.eduFor training and support specific to the set-up and use of the Leganto/the Course Reading List tool, please use the contact info on the left side of this page.