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Library and Information Studies

IS Department Support

This guide was edited in collaboration with the MLIS 2024-2026 student cohorts and the IS Department Student Governing Body (SGB).

Please email SGB with any questions, concerns, or feedback related to this guide at

Portfolio Guidelines

The portfolio project (or thesis—see below for thesis guidelines) is the culmination of the MLIS Program. The portfolio can be submitted as a website or PDF format. It consists of eleven parts and a presentation:

  1. Cover Page & Table of Contents
  2. A 50-word summary and a 10-page paper about a significant issue in the field of Information Studies
    • Select a topic that is concrete and specific. You can select an actual issue you’ve come up against in your work, that way you can cite specific examples.

    • Important Note:
      • 50-word summary due two quarters before Portfolio presentations. 
      • Issue paper due with portfolio submission
  3. A 1000-to-1200-word professional development statement about the student's future career goals
    • Consider including internship experience, work experience, organization affiliations, future career goals
  4. One (or more) example from a core course
  5. One (or more) example from an elective course in the student's specialization area
  6. A major paper (one that counts for 40% or more of the student's grade) from an elective class
  7. A list of completed and in-progress courses
  8. A record of the student's advising history
  9. A professional resume or CV (see the ALA Resume Guide for help)
  10. A short (250–500 word) accessibility statement and downloadable version(s) of the portfolio
  11. (Optional) Other supporting documentation

For the full portfolio guidelines, please see the IS Website

Example Portfolio Timeline

Example Timeline

Year 1: 

  • Fall Quarter
    • Enroll in core class(es)
  • Winter Quarter
    • Enroll in core class(es)
  • Spring Quarter
    • Enroll in core class(es)
    • Complete research methods course
      • Important note: it is recommended to complete it by the end of your first year. 
    • Begin editing/creating resume/CV
      • This can prepare you for internship applications for Summer and Year 2
  • Summer Quarter
    • Begin compiling ideas for issue statement 
    • Identify papers not completed yet and create a plan for Year 2
    • Create folder to house all portfolio materials
      • Example: 

Year 2: 

  • Fall Quarter
    • Send 50-word summary end of week 5 to advisor and Student Affairs Officer
    • Complete major paper
  • Winter Quarter 
    • Begin rough drafts of issue statement and professional development statement
  • Spring Quarter
    • Begin practicing your presentation and finalize your portfolio
    • Submit portfolio by the third week of the quarter 
    • Begin practicing your presentation during weeks 4 and 5

Important Note, this timeline would be for students seeking to present Spring quarter of their second year. Students looking to present another quarter should adjust this accordingly. The Professional Development and Portfolio Design class (IS 400) is usually offered in the Winter quarter and is designed to help you prepare your portfolio. In addition, the Student Governing Body (SGB) has examples of past submissions, please email for more information. 

Presentation Structure & Resources

Presentation Structure: 

  • 15 minutes solo presentation on topic
  • Slides are recommended, but not required
  • 15 minutes Question/Answer/Comment Period regarding your issue paper from your Panel 
  • 3-5 people to a panel, often with a shared faculty advisor or overlapping topic
  • Spaced over two weeks during weeks 6 or 7
  • Mandatory to stay for the entire panel 
  • Schedule is emailed by beginning of Spring quarter
  • Written feedback form regarding pass/fail status will be sent
  • If you fail, you may be given an opportunity to represent before graduation or you may have to re-present in the Fall

Portfolio Tips

These portfolio tips from alumni are courtesy of SGB: 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 

  • Are students required to follow guidelines of the handbook from their admitted year?
    • If updates are made to the handbook during your time in the program, you can choose to follow the new requirements or the requirements in place when you were admitted.

Thesis Guidelines

The thesis (or portfolio project—see above for portfolio guidelines) is the culmination of the MLIS Program. To complete the thesis, the student must do the following:

  1. Submit a form to the Graduate Division nominating a committee of 3-4 faculty members between spring quarter of the first year and the end of winter quarter of the second year. Refer to the Master's Thesis Committee Guide for more information.
  2. Meet the following four eligibility requirements to submit a thesis proposal:
    1. GPA above 3.0
    2. Entrance requirements complete
    3. Core and Research Methods courses complete or in progess
    4. No outstanding incompletes
  3. Write the thesis (usually 60-90 pages--students can take up to 12 units of independent coursework for thesis preparation) according to the instruction on the formatting guide.
  4. (Optional) Attend a Graduate Division thesis information session
  5. Present the thesis:
    1. Get feedback from the committee chair
    2. Provide the other committee members with the revised draft
    3. Schedule the presentation (far enough in advance so the other members have time to provide feedback)
  6. Submit the Thesis

For the full portfolio guidelines, please see the IS Website.

Accessibility and Website Creation Resources

Digital Accessibility Statement

Website Creation

Writing and Citation Resources