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ENGL 119: Literary Cities: Literary Dublin

This guide is for students enrolled in Colleen Jaurretche's ENGL 119 course, Literary Cities: Literary Dublin.

Database Questions

  1. What types of material does it contain?

  2. Can you imagine a use case for this particular database?

  3. In this database, what are strategies or tools you would use to narrow your search? To broaden it?

  4. Does the database provide full text access to materials?

  5. What fields are searchable? For example, “title/abstract,” “geography,” “ISBN.”

  6. What can you sort the results by? (e.g relevance,date, etc.)

  7. Can you export citations?

  8. Any other highlights or things you noticed/learned?

Major Online Sources

These online sources are good places to start your literature-related research. For quick reference, hold your mouse over a link for a brief description of the resource.

For more suggested sources, go to the tabs at the top of the page.

Topical Journals