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Music History 12W: Writing About Music

This guide supports class assignments, writing, and research for Music History 12W.

Article Databases

International Index to Music Periodicals (Full Text) 

"Index to both scholarly, popular, and news journals and magazines about music, many with full text."


"Provides image and full-text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in the humanities and the social sciences."

MPA: Music & Performing Arts 

"Indexes scholarly journals as well as music magazines and includes links to many but not all online articles; combines the former IIMP and IIPA."

Project Muse

"Full text of current issues (from about 1990) of scholarly journals published by university presses, chiefly in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Browsable by discipline and full-text searchable across all disciplines."

Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (RIPM)

"Eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century periodical literature dealing with music."

Notable Journals